Chapter 4 - a walk in the park

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Zander's POV~

My mom walks into the livings room with two plates of waffles and hands them to me and my boyfriend.

"I'll bring your drinks in two secs,", she gleams at us.
"Thank you Mrs Wickham,", Luke takes his arm off around my shoulder so he can balance the plate on his legs.
"It's Shannon to you Luke,", she smiles and walks into the kitchen again.

She came back with an apple juice and grape juice. My mom rushes back into the kitchen and I place down the rest of my food in the table and told my boyfriend he could have it if he wanted it. I ate part of my waffle but I wasn't really that hungry. I laid back down beside Luke while he finished up eating.

"Do you fancy going for a walk after our breakfast?", I ask him looking up.
"Sure,", he smiles at me.

"Hey mom!", I call for her.
"Yeah,", she shouts from the kitchen.
"Can me and Luke go for a walk soon?", I ask.
She replies, "Just don't be out too long okay?".
"Thanks mom!", I tell her.
"Of course sweetheart.".

Luke shortly finished mine and his waffle and the put his arm back around my shoulder. I lie onto his chest and we watch the tv for a few minutes.

"Do you wanna get ready to go out?", I ask.
"Yeah sure,", he smiles and I hold his hand as we go upstairs into my room. I put on a cardigan and my earmuffs. Luke puts on a thick hoodie and takes his scarf out of his bag. He then walks over to me and wraps it round my neck.
"There you go,", he says.
"Thank you,", I look up at him. He misses my forehead and then looks back at me.
"We should head off as it's a nice time.".


Me and Luke were walking and walked pass an ice cream van.
"Do you want an icecream?", I ask my boyfriend.
"Yeah,", he responds, "I'm paying though.".
"No your not!", I tell him.
"Fine then but only this once,", he gave in.

I ordered a chocolate ice cream and Luke ordered a vanilla vegan ice cream. I both sat down on a bench and enjoyed our ice creams. We talked for a little while eating out ice creams. We shortly finished and sat there for a little while I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Zan,", he whispers in my ear.
"What,", I whisper back.
"I see Hailey and Jake,", he quietly points his hand out too the left.
"Where,", I ask in his ear.
"They're on the bench over there,", he points at the couple, "And there's Oreo!".
"Aw they're so close together. I know I wasn't supportive at first and I feel really bad with Hailey but they're so cute,", I say, "Look how he puts his arm around her though, he's treats her the way she deserves it.".
"They're just the perfect couple,", my boyfriend smiles, "Well not as perfect as us.". He kisses my head as I smile at him.

"I'm gonna take a photo of them for Milly and my mom,", I state, "They'll be dying to see it.".
"I bet they will,", he laughs. I quickly take a picture before they notice me. I send the photo to my mom and Milly.
"Do you wanna go over and talk to them?", I ask.
"Yeah,", Luke stands up and holds my hand, "come on Zannn."
"I'm coming,", I saw as i was pulled to my feet, heading towards Hailey and Jake.

(ending this book but wanted to give u the last draft! I'm so sorry I'm just out of my Tmf fandom. I might be back some day but not for now)

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