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The group was shown walking into one of the main halls were two big glass skulls were shown slowly filling up by each second as they lead clawdeen over"okay it's simple these are the skulls as you can see they start out pretty equally at first but the school is watching to see who's the best leader it's how the school scores a prefect competition it'll observe you for the next few days and then make it's choice first one to the top wins"Frankie explained as clawdeens name was under the skull with purple pebbles filling it up while toraleis was orange.

Clawdeen smiles softly "my mom was a prefect. I never thought I'd walk in her shoes like This"she says as fury hugs her"your gonna make her proud cub"she says with a motherly smiles as deuce lays a gentle hand on clawdeens shoulder"this is huge for you prefect is the voice of the whole student body"he says as they all smile.

"Am I even ready for this "clawdeen asked nervously.

"Toralei were you excited to be chosen"was heard as they turn around to see her walking with a group of monsters"of course I'm thrilled to be chosen and I already thought of my slogan 'protect monster' because that's what I intend to do"she says picturing it in front of before seeing the others across as she suddenly got an idea as she smirks "tell me what do you call an oblivious lycan"she asked as they try to guess before she looks right at clawdeen "an unaware wolf"she says as the monster beside her smiles writing it down before the papers where knocked out of his hands before they walk off.

"That's it"fury growls protectively as she goes to run after the werecat before deuce literally holds her from under neath her arms as she runs mid air before pouting crossing her arms.

Draculura huffs shaking her head "she can't win she can't"she says making them turn to face her as she walks over to a table with the others following as she opens a book of drawings of the four of them smiling as she holds her hands over a picture "show what's good with no mistake , and on this page a likeness make"she cast a spell as a picture of clawdeen on a flyer slowly lifts up with pink magic saying 'clawdeen:monsters human friend' before a few of them float to a wall as they stick"the only way to have a friend is to be one"Draculura says the quote from above the flyer as they all smile with one another."now we can have a slogan of our own"she adds as clawdeen tears up with a smile.

"Thank you"she says sitting her stuff down a she hugs Draculura with a tearful smile as fury joins them before Frankie hops over giving them a hug before they all yell getting zapped before Frankie pulls away quickly "mama wolf is right I really need to get that under control"she says with a sheepish smile.

Just then demi appears out of nowhere making heath scream jumping backs as fury shakes her head with smile.

"Hey toralei just told gory gazette that, witchcraft is a filthy human habitat that puts all monsters at risk"she says imitating with toraleis accent as they all scoff"what"Draculura asked with anger in her voice.

"They want clawdeen to comment"demi says.

"Why that catty little cat!"clawdeen says as fury smiles"oh"she says proud that her cub learned something from her lessons as Cleo walks over calmly"easy breath"she says as clawdeen takes a deep breath as fury runs her cubs shoulders.

"Cross my heart which is in a jar in my room I will handle the press for yyas your campaign manager"Cleo says as fury blinks as Cleo walks away with demi as they talk about campaigning.

Clawdeen then stand switch her shoulders tall"ok we can't let some cat with trust issues ruin monster high let's win this"she says as they all share smiles it was game on with toralei she better be ready to loose.

Later that night fury was asleep as she was lays spread out wereing as red moon T-shirt with pajama shorts with little fangs all over as she snores loudly as Frankie and clawdeen smile amused from there beds Frankie wore a yellow sweatshirt with black sleeves as it had two double chains hanging from the side with lighting storm pajama bottoms as clawdeen deen wore a cheetah pattern t-shirt with purple sleeves and purple cheetah pajamas as she was on her phone laying in bed as her phone whooshes with a ding with a message from Cleo.

Frankie then goes deep in her thoughts as she lays with her hands folded over her stomach above her blanket "clawdeen can I ask you something"she asked staring at the ceiling.

"Frankie I think we're past the asking me something stage"clawdeen says with a smile as her phone sings again.

"I'm wondering about my upgrades Emerson said the purpose of life is not to be happy it's to be useful to have it make some difference you were here that's totally you"she says smiling before frowning "I was just hoping with my new upgrades, I just I mean I thought being more monster could help me do that too"she says.

"You want to be more monster because of Ralph Waldo Emerson "clawdeen asked confused as Frankie smiles shaking her head"no ...yes...I don't know"she then says with a confused look."I think I may read to many books "she admitted before clawdeens phone dings making her sigh"Frankie im sorry one second Cleo is hammering me with campaign questions "she says before tapping away as she nods her head before turning back to Frankie"ok there im done"she says with a smile before her phone dings again but continuously as claw folds her lips before smiling"almost done sorry"she says as they laugh.

"I know your super busy we'll talk tomorrow"Frankie says with a smile before turning off her lamp by touching the bulb with her finger with a zap as they light goes off as she goes to sleep before clawdeen turns her lamp on only having light from her phone.

A full moon was shown as two smoke like clouds mover silently across the sky it was witches as they fly towards the school. Clawdeen was shown on her phone when the door is heard clicking "you miss cerfew"she says with a smile tapping away on her phone but frowned when there was whooshing sound as she sits up her bed as her eyes go wide as two smoke figures fly in transforming into witches with cloaks wearing black leather all over as they were in front of Draculuras coffin as she breaths shakly before the door opens as Draculura walks in but her eyes go wide"what?!...fury!!"she says before seeing them close to fury.

Furys eyes snap open as she sits up looking around Frantically before seeing her cubs as Draculura points making the wolf turn seeing two witches as her eyes glow as she snarls dangerously as she crunches on her hands and knees.

"What are you doing here!"clawdeen says as she steps in front of Draculura protective her as fury growls before jumping as she then lands in a crunch in front of them standing up tall with a glare as she snarls at the witches.a

The witches turn an see Draculura as they start to walk over menacingly just as Frankie wakes up with gasp her eyes snapping open as she grabs the railing of her bed with both hands as electricity crackles dangerously around the room as she sets up her eyes wideing with fear.

The electricity cackles as it sparks her and there as wind blows wildly through the room Frankie looks towards them with fear as fury and clawdeen share looks before they stomp forward clawdeen throws her hands back while fury draws her with claws as they roar loudly making the witches glare as they turn back into smoke leaving.

They are shown flying away from the school as all the power goes out one by one as the power circuits were fried as back lights turn on behind them as the four were shown standing "so my new eyes are having focusing issues. I mean just yesterday I thought Heath was a candle. But I'm pretty sure those were witches"Frankie says with worry as they all share a look as different monsters are heard.

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