・。.・゜✭・CH.03 [Bhavik].・✫・゜・。.

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That food was so fucking delicious, it had been years I had something so so aromatic and fulfilling.

"How was your dreamy lunch?" Anurag asked, popping in my cabin as soon as I sat down.

"Fulfilling." I replied in a word.

"Did you see the Chief's daughter? I heard she is a cutie." Anurag said like the gossiper he was.

"Where did you get info now?" I asked, facing him.

"I just know." He replied with some sass.

"I swear if you would have studied with so much interest, you would have toped your college." I replied with an amused face, and he hit me hard on my leg.

"But seriously tell me, how was she?" He asked, popping on his elbows.

"She is good, I guess." I said, taking out my laptop.

"Oh please, she is better than fine. I have seen her pics." He said, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Then meet her again on next dinner and spare me now. I got a report to compile and file." I said, shooing him out of my small cabin.

But she did have the most mesmerizing set of light brown eyes, which does not seem to get out of my mind.

"Hades, Chief Ani is calling you." Someone said after knocking twice on the cabin door.

"Fine, will be there in a minute." I replied back. We are given the utmost security and privacy for our work.

"Go go." Anurag said, pushing me and taking my seat and starting to play my devices.

"Don't damage anything." I said before walking out.

"Chief, you wanted to see me?" I asked, popping my head inside.

"Come come." He said, gesturing to me, and I enetered and stood in front of him.

"Yup?" I asked. With him, I can be as informal as I want. He and Chief Arora are like father figures to me.

"There is a celebratory dinner this weekend of your today's team for the mission you all accomplished today. It's a family event, and some more seniors will be present." He informed more like announced.

"Soo?" I asked because I never ever attend one of these. I prefer my laptop and tablet over people.

"I am telling you separately so that you have to be present there, drag Anurag with you too, because you are too antisocial for a dinner like this." He said laughing at the last part, and I gave him a side eye.

"Don't give me that look, I know you damn well." He said.

"Okay." I said slowly with a long sigh.

"Okah, now, go and work and let me work. And be there on time, okay." He said and shooed me out of his cabin.

Chief Anirudh Kumar Gupta, he is maternal uncle, but no one knows this except Anurag and Chief Arora. My childhood wasn't exactly sunshine and rainbows, so when he found me, he got me in the NIA and trained me under himself.

"What did he want?" Anurag asked effortlessly, scrolling through a profile of someone on my pc.

"Celebratory dinner this weekend. Asked me to drag your ass too because I am too antisocial for the gathering." I replied in a boring tone and sat beside him.

"Your uncle does know you too well." He said laughing.

"What the hell are you even doing?" I asked, snatching my mouse back from him.

I saw the screen, and he was strolling through the insta handle of Chief Arora's daughter.

"What the actual fuck Anurag? Are you obsessed with her or something?" I asked closing it down.

"Not obsessed, just wanna see her, I guess." He said dreamily leaning back.

"Are you in love already?" I asked, laughing.

"No, no, not love, last time I met her, she called me bhaiya, and I bubbled with warmth. You know about my little not so little sister." He added the last part sadly.

"You already met her?" I asked him.

"Kind of yes, and I was just pulling your leg. It's high time you get a girlfriend now." He replied, getting up and going out of the cabin laughing.

I sighed and went back to my work. The week passed in jiffy, without any other heavy mission or work, so I just played around a little.

It was the weekend, and Chief Ani popped in my cabin to give me a not so subtle reminder that I have to attend the dinner next evening with Anurag.

"Zeusss." I shouted as I heard someone playing a tune with knocks on my cabin door.

"Hadess." He replied, matching my tone and entering inside.

"So?" I asked, knowing he is here again for gossip.

"So, I was thinking what to wear tomorrow. I need to keep up my appearance. Already, I am going with a moody brat." He said, grinning.

"Seriously? You got no better job thay outfit hunting?" I asked, facing my computers again.

"It's off the clock now. I am planning on paying a visit to my family tonight." He said sighing.

"You want me to come with you?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow.

Me and Anurag live in a flat beside my uncle and aunt. It is actually their's only, but we try to pay whatever we can as rent. We are already very grateful of them to support us.

"I will be off in 10." He said, checking his watch.

"Suree, meet you at home then. I will cook, don't worry." I said, and he grinned.

"Suree darling, wait for me at home." He said sweetly, and I kicked his left leg with mine.

"You are such a stone hearted devil." He hissed.

"Thank you." I said with a smirk.

"Okay, I will get going now. Bye, see you. And don't cause any more choas in my absence." He warned and pinned his eyes and fingers on me.

"Sure, Sir." I said with a mock salute, and he got out of my cabin, whistling.

Last time, when I was alone here after work hours, I accidentally hacked into the data server of the social media site, BOO and they had to shut down the whole building for more than an hour. It did cost them millions of dollars, and Chief was kinda proud, but I did got a good scolding, too.

Heyyyy pretyyy people! How are you all doing?? This is the most waited update, so enjoyyyyyy, like, and comment okayy.

Lovee yaaa all, happy reading and tale care of yourselves!


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