・。.・゜✭・CH. 02 [Saira].・✫・゜・。.

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School's over!!!

Only I know how dreadful it was to get up and go to school the last whole month, knowing that it was the last month with your friends doing matargashti in the class, and taunting and playing in between of periods. But it's over now, boards are also done.

Now, comes the most difficult situation in a student's life, studying for a competitive exam. I am preparing for NIFT entrance examination, as I want to do interior designing or fashion designing, that is yet to figure out, but I want to go into creative and designing field.

I was up the whole night, studying and listening to music and reading, when I heard some things rumbling in the living room and poked my head out to see Papa searching something in one of the drawers.

"What you doing Papa?" I asked walking out and he jumped a little.

"A senior officer of NIA getting scared of his own daughter." I said laughing and he gave a stink eye.

"Okay okay, what you upto now? At 5 in the morning?" I aske siting down in sofa.

"I need to get going in 10 minutes at dot 5 for a raid and investigation. I won't be able to call you for a while." He said calmly tying his shoe laces.

"Okay, I will invite Arya and Arpit over then for some time." I said to him shrugging.

"Do as you wish kiddo. I will try to be back early." He said kissing my forehead and picked up his bag.

"I will you escort you out, Chief Raghav Arora." I said with a curtesy and he laughed.

We both walked out, and stood at the gate chatting when a black thar pulled up and a very tall person stepped out.

"Sir." He said in his angelic devilish and husky voice.

Papa nodded at him, smiled at me and got inside the Thar. 

The boy shut the door, and we held eye contact for a brief moment. His eyes were the rarest color of grey, and he had prefect black silky hair. My guess, he was around, 6'2 or 6'3. He had black pants and a white shirt on, with sleeves rolled three fourth, and his hands were giving vibes of a model.

The jeep started off, and I waved bye to Papa and returned inside the house when the disappeared down the road.

My mind was filled with him images as I went inside my house. His jaw, how it flexed when he simply said "Sir.". I am a very detail oriented and observational person, and that is being harmful for me right now.

"I need to sleep." I said shaking my head. I dropped a quick message to Arya about the situation and went to sleep.

I woke from continuous bell ringing.

"Who the fuck is this impatient?" I asked sleepily and switched on the camera at the gate.

It was Arya and Arpit.

"Opening, just a minute." I said and pushed the open button. I live alone, so Papa has installed many security measures for my safety, and one factor was his job too.

"Heyyy babe." Arya said hugging me.

"Welcome welcome." I said returning her hug.

"How are you bacha?" Arpit asked like the older brother he has declared himself to be.

"Fineeee. How was your weekend?" I asked them, as we all sat in the living room.

"Greattt." They both chirped together.

"Ohooooo." I hooted. Just then my phone rang, Papa was calling.

"Hannji Papa." I said picking up.

"Beta, we are on our way home, and whatever you cook, cook extra, Hades is going to eat with us." He said from other side.

"Okayyyy Papa." I replied and he cut the call.

"Guyss, we have a guest today, so gotta cook something good." I said to Arya.

"Come on, we will help you." Arpit said helping me get up.

We cooked Paneer Makhni, and roti. Put rice on the steamer on the gas, when doorbell rang.

"I will get that. It's Papa." I said and ran out. When doorbell rings, it's Papa, and when the outer doorbell rings, it can be anyone. They both have different tones.

"Hiii Papa." I said hugging him, and he laughed.

"Come on in, Hades." He said after finishing the hug.

"This is my daughter, Saira, and Sai, he is Hades." He introduced us.

"Uncle, we are also here." Arya said with a pout.

"Areey areey, here, she is Arya and he is her boyfriend, Arpit." He introduced them laughing, and Arpit high fived him. He is cool with only these two, everyone else is either afraid of him, or he is disturbed by them.

"Guys, wash your hands and get fresh. We will set the table." I said and Arya nodded. We both got into the kitchen.

"Who is that handsome hunk?" Arya said bumping my shoulder.

"Hades, didn't you listen just now." I replied dryly.

"Something cooking?" She asked with a smirk.

"Everything is cooked." I said with a wink, and we both laughed. We set the table and they all took their seats.

"Hades is your real name?" Arpit asked to him.

"No, we sue pseudo names in our line of field." He replied calmly.

"And what is your field?" Arya asked taking spoon.

"Computers and internet." He replied curtly, but I was more attracted to his voice. Velvety and mysterious.

"Papa, what happened today? We are down for some action and story." I asked him and he laughed.

"Okay, so today we raided a public local pub where many foreign currencies..." And he settled into his story telling mode and we listened intently.

After food, Hades was all ready to leave, but Arya had to interject.

"Before that, I am gonna need your insta id mister." Arya said from across the table.

"I don't really use insta." He replied in a flat tone.

"Messenger? WhatsApp? Snapchat?" She asked astonished, and was even more shocked when he shook his head no, while Papa laughing in the background.

"Do you even live on this planet?" Arya asked shocked as ever.

"You guys continue, I need to lay down a little." Papa said and left for his room after a minute.

"How can you not be on any social media?" Arpit said, who was equally shocked.

"Okay guyss, leave him alone. He needs rest too after a hectic day." I said and held his hand leading him out of the house as Arya and Arpit protested in the background.

I immediately left his hand once out.

"Sorry, for their behavior" I said.

"It's fine, it's a common reaction." He replied.

"Anyway, nice to meet you Hades. Hope to meet soon." I said and he nodded.

"Same here Saira." He said and went out of the main gate to the parked thar.

The way he said my name, turned my insides in so many twists, and I ran back inside.

Heyyyy pretyyy people! How are you all doing?? Here is the update, so enjoyyyyyy, like, and comment okayy.

Lovee yaaa all, happy reading and tale care of yourselves!


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