Obviously Tristan's presence had completely derailed his concentration and although Ace knew it wasn't healthy, he wasn't in charge of his mind. His wolf was almost tearing through his brain to shift and claim him at that moment.

The only way he could help himself was tear through his palm with his claws until Tristan walked past him without exchanging a single gaze. It was for the best but that didn't mean he didn't feel hurt that his soulmate unacknowledged him.

"Ace, I know you and Tristan have so much bad history but could you like now try to pounce on him and get this trip cancelled?" Hikaru shook his shoulder, bringing him back to his senses and he gave her an ill-timed smile.

For every second that passed during the ride, Ace could unfortunately hear every breath Tristan took. The loud song that blasted through his earpiece was no match to the velvety decorated fashion in which Tristan laughed. 

Ace could feel his radar tick, he couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched, but instead of discomfort, it sent a rush of butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Of course he didn't like the sensation, but how the hairs on the nape of his neck stood at attention as a shiver roamed his spine, a silent testament to his silent, lingering stare. There was an intimacy in his observation, as if he sought to unravel the complexity of his soul through the mere act of watching.

The only time the drilling stare broke was when Ace turned around, catching a fleeting glimpse of his Tristan's light brown captivating eyes. It was like an unspoken moment_ a shared secret only known to them. Despite the unspoken bond and undeniable chemistry he felt in is presence.

Ace acknowledged the impossibility of them ever getting together so he turned his head to the side and watched Hikaru. He watched in amusement as she whispered the lyrics of the tame impala song they both shared. For honesty's sake, deep down, he still felt that slight crush he had always bottled up for her. 

"Are you excited about this history trip?" she asked the moment she realized he was staring at her and he cleared his throat awkwardly and shrugged.

"It's not like I can ditch it. My grades need it." Ace replied and she laughed, the sound feeling warm and homey but could never be compared to Sugar's. He still stared at her and she stared at him. She wore an expression that was so difficult for him to decipher so he decided to suck up his timidity and ask.

"What's on your mind?" he asked and furrowed his eyebrows when her eyes roamed his face and she sighed.

"Did you ever have feelings for me?" she retorted he sat frozen, the look of utter disbelief etched across his face. The dumbfounding question hung in the air and it was as if time itself was momentarily halted.

"Uhhhh...." he trailed, a nervous laughter threatened to bubble up almost betraying the bewilderment that had taken hold.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" she chuckled adorably and he laughed a little, thinking about what could go wrong if he decided to spill the truth.

"Freshmen year, I had a lot of daydreams and maybe wet dreams about you but you were way out of my league." he confessed, knowing he had nothing to lose.

He waited for her response in dread as her gray eyes bored questionably into his.

"Do you think I'm a cree-" a soft touch, tender yet sudden, graced his lips. Startled, he blinked in confusion, his senses jolted by the unexpected kiss. The world seemed to momentarily spin on a different axis, catching him off guard. His eyes widened in a moment of confusion as he was torn between the expectations placed upon him and the emotions he felt for Tristan.

As soon as he locked eyes with Hikaru's hopeful anticipation, he found himself leaning in and responding to kiss. It was a bittersweet collision of the past and present feelings that lingered in his mind with a painful reminding of the other corner of his heart.

When they eventually parted, he met her gaze with sincerity and kindness. His eyes conveying an unspoken apology for the complexity of their exchange. He watched smile in a ghost-guilt face but slowly narrowed his eyes when her lips turned down.

"What do you want?" she almost growled and he turned around. 

Tristan stood in his tall handsome self with his arms crossed in an angry position. It was for a nanosecond before Hikaru's face was graced with his vengeful fist.

 It was for a nanosecond before Hikaru's face was graced with his vengeful fist

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