25. THE END (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"You said you want to keep your sister's last wish? And we decided we would do that. But not anymore, Sarisha. Not at the cost of you thinking I am a molester of your dead sister. She might have me the happiest man because of her I got you, but I am not the dream of yours, Sarisha! So she ruined you by making you marry me. But not our tomorrow." He stepped towards me, his each and every word was a set confusion inside me.

I wanted to shout at him, but maybe my trust in him had grown major, than what I should be contemplating.
He stepped towards me, slow and steady steps, his maturity reflecting between us.

His hands extended towards me, but I didn't take it, he jerked his chin, utter silence in the room but a shake of the head, a minor action rang louder, bouncing back and forth from the walls.

He chuckled before he looked above, stepping back and holding onto the back of his head, “Sorry Shurhti,” he spoke before it glided and settled on his neck and eyes back at me.

His behaviour was scaring me, for the first time someone's calmness and maturity and silence was an echoing violence.

“Amaal Mewad, you have met him and seen him. You can already presume there is very limited time when he presents around royals. Because he isn't the part of royals.
Your sister and Amaal Mewad knew each other. I am unsure from where, but maybe the textile mill she worked part-time at to support your dad and your family was his. I would say knowing wasn't all, she loved him! But he didn't. For him? She was just any second worker he liked to fool with gifts to have them. And this knowledge hadn't reached her until he told her that he was planning to wrap Manya around his fingers to have access to the royal family. When one day he told his strategy to your sister?

Shrushti's goal became to never let him be in the royals, and be part of it herself. At any cost.
When you thought it was all a play of power? You weren't wrong? But you were just pointing fingers at the wrong person.

Next thing? Your sister approached me out of nowhere. The last time when you saw us? Wasn't the only time I have seen your sister. I am sorry that I lied, Sarisha. But revealing one thing could have either harmed us or Shrushti's last words.
She came to meet me, at the Royals Rajput Mahal, knowing I am the brother of Manya.
I wouldn't have met with a random woman, it goes against the rules I had bonded myself with but mention of Manya, I had twisted myself to the rules and I accepted to meet your sister.
What she came with that day, is something you have condemned me and the Rajputs for.
The one you that had made you shed tears, even your forgiveness for my old age? You cried for that I have broken your dreams.
I will say, I have, when the one who made the deal died? You were not to be doomed for her actions.
But I didn't do it alone Sarisha. That woman came with the information about Manya that will save her. And she will only tell me if I promise marriage to her.
It was a tough battle of choosing, I chose ignorance. But her offer didn't settle, there. The next offer she made was your house and land.
She came prepared, she was fixated that she had information that would cost Manya her life and the marriage with me. So to tell you? Sarisha, the whole time you felt like a pawn and chess piece in the game of royalty? I was a chess piece of a commoner, your sister's mind. There is nothing that comes before Manya or after for me. So twisted on the brotherly belief and fact that I do need a wife? I accepted her offer. And went over to your house and met your dad, the man who already knew the deals given by your sister.
And the rest is where you were present. You criticized me and the Royals, but we were just setting steps on your sister's accordance. She feigned vengeance, so she fed the filth in my head against Amaal Mewad. One that I went over to his Mill factory for withholding him for. And that was the goal, to only scare him, I and Ekvarthya met him.
To establish that he cannot approach Manya but your sister had filled Mewad with belittling that she is getting married to Royalty now. Maybe it was his rage or his ego that he attacked me with words and later when he saw he could never behold my calmness on it alone?  He attacked and in order to save myself both I and Ekvarthya were shuffled to side-stab him rather than us. And this self-defence came as violence and now played against us for evidence. Mewad had the CCTV as evidence to the police. And we needed it back.
We fed enough money, to people to get it back. But Mewad stepped on us. And the only possible way for him to let go of the attempted murder case? Was when Daharthya gave him the left-hand man position in the Royal family. You always disliked Daharthya Sarisha, but that man had been under torment of Mewad an outsider who didn't even deserve his place for a long time. And only remained quiet and never told you anything when you disrespected him several times because I asked him not to. Shrushti made you suffer, made your family suffer, made me suffer and then made Ekvarthya and Daharthya suffer. Alone.
And we all thought, once getting married despite the fact that we weren't desperate to ever align with Abhiraj Agnivanshi? We now needed that alignment extremely must.
Our life was tilted one-eighty.
But then your sister died. On the wedding day. The promise drifted and all of us were left to suffer. After that, our main focus was to save ourselves from this maze. We needed Agnivanshi, even if you became the bait to it. And that was where I was wrong. It was never your war to fight. That day when you see the message timing? I was getting ready for the wedding, I never checked my phone. In fact, I was dressing in my room when your sister's body fell on the ground. Which she herself threw. It was not a suicide according to you you were right? But she did it, according to Mewad's confession later that day.

When the doctor told us about molestation. I confronted and he admitted that she went to his room to rub this fact against his face, that she was marrying me. When the event took place, when she came back to the rooftop she asked the helper woman to write the words for her, before for unsure reason of was rape? Was it the heartbroken feeling? This was my assumption but the woman who wrote the letter for her said, Mewad showed up on the roof right behind her, to apologize for molesting her, and to tell her that he really does love her. And that Manya will only be a footstep to win. And that Shrushti should never marry me, and she should become his lover instead. But the real meaning was if we got married, we would be friends with the Agnivanshi and his evidence would be taken care of and Shrushti would win by being my wife and him getting kicked out of his power position. And only to save that from happening, he pushed your sister."


Oh no! Fir se parts? Chillax guys! It's only because chapter was getting longer, and this end of his confession mai dramatic effect aaye.

The next part is right behind. In a few hours or late night.

REPLACEMENT WIFE (Short Story) [THE MARTYR WIVES BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now