3. I want home.

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"alright, one two, and one two three!"




🎶I don't know what tomorrow brings~🎶

🎶but with you, I'm ready for anything~🎶

🎶 whenever I looked you're never far~🎶




Fourth accidentally strummed the wrong chords when they heard the scream coming outside from their music club.


All heads turned to the source of the voice, Prom. He looked at them with a questioning look.

"Ck, it must be the S.P and his Vice S.P." Winny state with a disliked face. Fourth turned to the door entrance and frowned.

"But it's a scream.." Fourth say and turn back to Winny who is rolling his eyes looking annoyed.

"Ai'Fourth, they must be teasing us! I knew the moment that cold hearted guy said he wanted to meet us!" Winny says making the other nodded Fourth frowned once again dissatisfied with his friends answer.

"It's not like that guys, I told you that we have something to discuss and it's not about the music club or the principal...it was something else, beside why don't we just check where the sound came from? What if there's someone who needs help? The scream sounds like a girl, not a boy" Fourth state making his other friends agree.

"Huff fine, but if what I said is true you're treating us to a BBQ tonight!" Fourth sigh and nodded the other smile and cheer hoping that what Winny said was true.

Fourth put down his electric guitar and walked towards the door followed by his friends.

Fourth hold the door knob and turn back seeing his friends are waiting for the answer whether they can eat BBQ or not. Fourth rolled his eyes and Winny looked at him and told him to open the door.

Fourth turn back and twisted the door knob.



"There's...no on-?!" Fourth raised his eyebrows, he looked out but there was no one outside till he saw a boy screaming for help while a girl full of blood was biting his arms and another boy biting his neck.

Fourth looked at the sight in horror, his friends felt curious as Fourth is being totally quiet. They looked out pushing Fourth out of the room a little.

"S-shia!" Prom shouted in horror, Fourth who is scared had fallen down on the floor, his legs are shaking he couldn't get up. Tears run down his face.


The girl shouted in a weird voice while looking up on the ceiling.

"F-fourth! Get up! Ai'Fourth!" Ford shouted from the inside of the club.

The girl and the boy turn into an unknown creature and turn their head at the source of the voice.


They scream and run towards Fourth who is still on the floor, he was shaking in fear as he couldn't move even an inch of his muscles. Tears wouldn't stop running down his face.


A boy came running and kicked the running girl and swung a bag on the boy's face.

The boy pulled Fourth and threw him inside the club, Winny and the others back away as they caught their shaking friends.

The last one standing | Gmmtv AU Gemfot (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now