Match 01 - Temporary Coach

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"Thank you for the help with my team while I'm gone, Takashira-san. You even improved their physical fitness, fixed their flaws, and helped with what they were weak in. I appreciate it"

You waved the volleyball coach off. "It was nothing much, coach. I'm just glad to be of help"

"Say, have you ever thought of working as a volleyball coach in any school or the National team?" he asked.

"As much I would love to, coach but I need more work experience in this field. I only have 2 years of experience in volleyball coaching"

The coach jokingly cursed. "What experience? I heard that you learned coaching from Ukai Ikkei in your high school years so add that up and you have 5 years of coaching experience so that is already enough for a young one like you!!"

"It's 4 years, sir" you corrected him, looking helpless.

"Still enough!!" the coach waved it off. "The whole sports community considered you as the youngest volleyball coach in Japan and all the teams you coached have improved with leaps and bounds"

"Now that's just over the top, sir" you humbly denied.

The coach decided not to say anymore and returned to the school gym. You turned around and walked out of the school grounds. Along the way, the students around you are gushing your looks with whispers and murmurs. Yes, you are very aware of that and it's been going on since middle school. In your previous life, you didn't take care of your face and body well which resulted in you looking a little bit. . . different so you decided to change that in this life.

Well, you didn't expect this but didn't mind as you're basking in their attention on you.

"Another job well done" You stretched your body and cracked a few ticks on your limbs as you walked past the school gates.

You attended a sports university after you graduated from Karasuno to learn more about sports management and still learned some key points from old Coach Ukai in your free time. It was thanks to your exceptional skills that the school let you not attend lessons most of the time to gain work experience from other coaches as they felt that keeping you in the university would only hold back your shining potential so in 2 years, you have gained a major reputation and influence in the sports community.

The anime Haikyuu was the main reason you got interested in volleyball in your previous life. When you were a child, you were still an introverted youngling so you had no thoughts of joining a sport like that but as you grew older, you watched the anime, and that got you hooked. However, that came way too late as you have incurred an illness with no hope of recovery so you can't join any sports clubs to avoid any strenuous activities that will cause a trigger to your chest.

Whenever you got the chance to watch the volleyball matches in your school, you could only stare in melancholy and regret. You tried to convince your mother to participate in the club, believing that you could get the chance but her admonishing warnings woke you up to reality.

But now that you're here, you can finally achieve what you couldn't and pursue them with no regrets.

You took out your motorcycle keys to start your motorcycle when you felt your phone vibrating in your jeans pocket. You inserted the keys into the keyhole first and then took out your phone to answer the call.

"Hello, who is this?" you asked.

"Ah, Takashira-san. It's me, your old school's volleyball advisor"

You perked up. "Takeda-sensei? Why are you calling me at this time?"

"It's just this. Karasuno's volleyball club is lacking a coach and I found one but he kept rejecting me so I want to ask you to be the team's coach temporarily until I get him on board" Takeda said.

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