Chapter 8

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After Morfious escorted her out of the third class general room, Serena went straight to bed. Morfious reminded her that he was sent to take her to Mivashkama, but Serena disregarded it, claiming she was suddenly very tired. Morfious was irritated that she would defy his master but decided to let it be, figuring Mivashkama would disprove of his manservant physically forcing Serena to come to him.

The following morning, Mivashkama invited Serena to breakfast while Oleana ate with Duchess Diantha and Countess Muchmoney. Serena wanted to stay in bed, but she reluctantly accepted to not upset Mivashkama. They met at Mivashkama's private promenade, where they were served fresh fruit, quaker oats, and grilled mutton. Mivashkama dug in, but Serena merely focused on stirring her tea. Mivashkama looked up from his mutton, noticing Serena staring down with a melancholic look.

"I hoped you'd come and see me last night," Mivashkama said.

"I was tired," Serena said, not looking at Mivashkama.

"Ah, yes. Your exertions below decks were no doubt exhausting," Mivashkama tittered.

Serena made no reply. She was hardly surprised Morfious reported where he found her and what she was doing. Mivashkama might have also suspected that she was with Ash. Mivashkama furrowed his brow and put down his silverware.

"You will never behave like that again, Serena. Do you understand?" he said.

Serena finally stopped stirring and looked up from her tea. It was bad enough that Mivashkama wouldn't let her professionally dance again, and his manservant threatened her friends with his gun, but the way Mivashkama forbade her from partying again insulted her. It was like a parent rebuking a child despite her not doing anything wrong.

"I'm not part of the help in Hammerlocke that you can command," Serena said. "I'm your fiance, and -"


Mivashkama jumped out of his seat and flipped the table so high that it flipped over two times before landing on the ground with all the glasses and dishes breaking into pieces with a loud crash. He knelt down in front of Serena, grabbing her arms to hold them down against the arms of her chair like cuffs attached to the seat.

"Yes, you are, and my wife in practice if not yet by law, so you will honor me!" Mivashkama roared. "You will honor me the way a wife is required to honor a husband because I will not be made out a fool, Serena! Is this in any way unclear?!"

Serena sat paralyzed in fear. Mivashkama's outburst came so suddenly that it was as though a different personality had emerged. She shook her head, hoping to get the cold but calm Mivashkama back.

"Good," Mivashkama said. It was like a whisper. "Excuse me."

Mivashkama stood up and walked out of the promenade. Serena sat in place for several seconds before she choked out a sob and slid off her seat. Molly, who was standing beside the exit waiting to be of help, rushed over and knelt down at Serena's side as Serena tried to pick up the pieces of the plates and glass.

"It's okay, Miss," Molly said, patting Serena's back.

"W-We had ... we had an accident," Serena said. "We had an accident. We had an accident. We had an -"

"It's okay, Miss, it's okay," Molly repeated. "Let me take care of this."

Molly gently took the broken pieces off of Serena's hand. Serena reached out her hand to try to take the pieces back, but she lost her balance and fell on her bottom. She leaned against the legs of her chair, whimpering as she stared into space as though she were still looking at Mivashkama's face of rage.


After Molly cleaned up the mess, she and Serena returned to the cabin to prepare for church. Molly helped Serena out of her breakfast dress and then began adjusting her corset to help her put on a Sunday gown. Serena held on to one of the poles attached to her bed as Molly adjusted the corset. The door opened, and Oleana went in without asking permission. The edges of her mouth were twisted down slightly, making her look like she was struggling to keep her calm, composed demeanor.

"Molly, go warm up some tea," Oleana ordered.

Molly bowed and left the room without a word. Oleana grabbed the ends of the strings of Serena's corsets and pulled harder than Molly did. Serena bit her lip, trying not to show any pain, but Oleana pulled harder as though she intended to suffocate Serena as punishment.

"You are to never go near that young man again, Serena. Is that clear?" Oleana said.

Serena wanted to turn around to give her stepmother an unamused look for saying something similar to what Mivashkama said. Oleana could be authoritative, but she didn't have it in her body to be half as expressive as Mivashkama, no matter how furious she was.

"Serena, I forbid it," Oleana said with venom as if she knew what was on Serena's mind.

"Oh, stop it, stepmother. You'll get a nosebleed," Serena said.

Oleana's frown deepened. She grabbed Serena's arm and forced Serena to turn and face her.

"I've had more than enough with your games. You know the money's gone because of you," Oleana said.

"Of course, I know. You remind me every day," Serena said.

"Because you always need reminding," Oleana said. "Honestly, I don't understand you, Serena. You have a good match with Lord Herløv. He's the key to our survival and has been more than tolerant with you."

"How can you put this on my shoulders?" Serena asked.

"Why are you being selfish?" Oleana asked.

"I'm selfish? You're using my engagement to mingle with women of higher status than you and chase after the chairman," Serena said. "You may as well court him to get the high life you want as his wife instead."

"Oh, I will court him if I get the chance. Make no mistake, but that doesn't excuse you from needing to secure your future," Oleana said. "If you don't follow through with this marriage, you won't have a home to stay even if I marry Rose. Is that what you want, Serena? To be working as a seamstress? To see what fine things you have left sold at auction? All that you were or could have been scattered in the wind?"

"But...but that's unfair," Serena said.

"Of course, it's unfair. We're women. Our choices are never easy," Oleana said. "Now, turn around. We're not going to be late for church."

Serena opened her mouth to protest, but then she hung her head and complied. Oleana pulled tighter than before as she worked her way up the corset. Serena shut her eyes and squirmed, fighting the urge to show agony again. If she didn't feel trapped again after Morfious crashed the party and Mivashkama threw a fit, Oleana's ultimatum made Serena feel more trapped than ever. It was as though Serena was a prisoner put into more chains than the ones on her legs and wrist just to add extra weight to ensure she would never put another toe out of line. Doomed to never experience any sort of joy and her life again, whether it involved music, dancing, friends, or Ash.

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