"Like, 4 sum." I mumbled. I may have gone overboard but I got stuff for her too so technically it's not that bad.

"400?" She asked to clarify and I nodded. "Oh that's nothing. I made that today.."

"Oh okay Ms.Baller.." I teased.

"Whatever, give me a lil haul while I make these reservations.." She gestured to the bags and I got up to show her.

I showed her everything I got for myself and what  I got for her, while she made reservations for the restaurant I wanted to go to. Once I was done we headed out to the restaurant.

"So how'd the painting come out.." I asked once we were settled at our table.

"Good it just took longer than I anticipated because they let their demon seed run around when I was trying to take my reference picture. He had on white and ended falling so you already know how that went.." She said making me laugh.

"Don't call someone's child a demon seed!"

"Why not? He was cute but he was yelling and flying like a bat outta hell.." She laughed.

"Do you want kids?" I asked randomly.

"I don't know. I never thought about it, why?"

"Just a question. I figured we should talk about that eventually.." I answered and she nodded.

"Oh okay well I mean like I said I never thought about it but I'd have kids with you. I might even birth them."

"For real?" I asked. "Mmhm—I wouldn't mind it. Pregnancy seems like such a surreal experience and since I have the chance to do it it would only be right to experience it for myself."

"Aww I never thought about that way.."

"Would you want kids, though?"

"I would but I've never pictured myself as a mom. It seems weird.." I replied.

"You would be a great mom." She reached her hand across the table to grab mine and squeeze.

"Thanks you would too.." I said as I squeezed hers back.

The rest of the night was perfect. I loved going on dates with Lisa. It never got boring. Every date felt like our first. The butterflies, the anticipation it was all there.

After we finished eating we went to get cookies from this late night bakery.

"Mama which flavor you want?"

"Um—chocolate chip and pretzel m&m's one.." I said and she nodded before ordering the cookies.

We sat at small table as we ate our cookies. They were really fresh and warm. She fed me some of hers and I did the same to her until we were done. Of course we got some to go after realizing how good they were before heading back home.

The next day...
6:45 pm

"Baby, can you give Koffee a treat for me.." Lisa said as she walked through the door from taking him for a walk.

"Okay." I said before reaching into the top cabinet to grab a treat. "Sit, Koffee." I said and he did as I said.

"Good boy!" I cheered before giving him the treat and rubbing his fur. "Spoiled ass.." Lisa muttered referring to Koffee before going to the sink to wash her hands.

I watched as Koffee ran off before feeling wet hands slide under my shirt and up my stomach.

"Ugh—why didn't you dry your hands before touching me.." I said before yanking her hands off of me and turning around so we were face to face.

"Don't act like you're afraid of a little wetness." She teased and I rolled my eyes before I subbing her off of me.

I ripped a paper towel and handed it to her before grabbing myself a cup of cranberry-pineapple juice.

"Ion know how you drink that stuff.."

"It's good you'd probably like this one more because it's not just cranberry by itself." I said and handed the cup to her so she could try it.

"Ooo—wait! I like this one.." She said and took another huge sip. "Alright now. Don't drink all my stuff.." I tried to grab it from her but she held it away from me before turning around and downing the entire cup.

"Now why would your thirsty ass—"

"I'm sorry ma. It was good.."

"I really can't have shit around you!" I said as I snatched the cup back and poured more.

She was about to say something when we heard a phone ringing. I thought it was mine but it ended being hers.

"Oh! It's my mom.." She said and she answered the phone. "Hey baby.." She said.

"Hey mom." She smiled. "Where's my girl at?" She smiled through the FaceTime and I moved my head over so I was in frame.

"Heyy. Im right here.." I smiled and Lisa rolled her eyes as her mom gushed over me. Her mom was really the best.

"Hey baby! Good you're there with her because I wanted to ask if y'all were coming here for Thanksgiving.."

"Of course we are.." I answered before Lisa had the chance to say anything. I could tell by her mother's voice she was excited to see us.

"Great! Let me know when y'all plan to fly in and I'll come get y'all from the airport.."

"Okay mom I'll let you know. We'll probably come that Monday and then stay the whole week.."

"Perfect. I miss my baby and I wanna get to know Aaliyah better. We can go shopping or whatever else you would like to do.."  She said and we both nodded.

"Okay, I'd love that."

"Great well I won't hold y'all any longer.."

"Alright mom well I'll talk to you later.." Lisa said and we all said 'love you' followed by several goodbyes.

A/N: I know this isn't long at all but I'm going to write more next chapter 🫶🏾

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