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9:25 pmAaliyah_____

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9:25 pm

I woke up to kisses all over my face and I slowly blinked my eyes open to see Lisa very close to my face. She standing over me from my side of the bed.

"What?" I groaned. After the incident I decided to take some time off to have for myself to just relax.

"I'm about to leave." She laughed and I finally looked at her to see she was fully dressed.

"Okay, be safe. I love you." I said and she pecked my lips again.

"I'll probably be gone most of the day. Get out the house and get some fresh air. I left my card on the coffee table you should go shopping and maybe we can go out tonight for dinner instead of cooking.." She said as she stood up fully.

"Mmhm—I said I love you, the fuck.." I said as I pulled her back by the loop on her cargo pants.

"I love you too." She laughed and I let go of her before watching her grab her paint bag and walk out of the door.

I laid in bed for about another hour after she left before getting up to get in the shower. I got ready for the day while thinking about where I should go. I decided to go to the mall and go shopping like Lisa suggested.

I bought stuff for the both of us. I spent mor money then I probably should've but I like to think it was retail therapy. I wanted to get food from the food court before going back to home but I had way too many bags to stop.

It wasn't until six o'clock that Lisa got back home from her painting session.

"Ma ma...don't tell me you maxed my shit out." She said as she walked into our bedroom seeing half the room covered in bags.

"I didn't.." I smiled as I held my arms out for her from my spot on the edge of the bed. She moved closer pecking my lips and then laid on top of me.

"How much you spend?" She asked and I got quiet before changing the subject.

"Did you eat stink? I saw this cool restaurant on Tik tok I wanted to try. I wonder if they do reservations.." I said as I pulled out my phone to check.

"Aaliyah don't play with me..." She said as she sat up so she wasn't laying on me anymore. She snatched my phone and placed it face down as I stared at her with a pout.

"In my defense you didn't give me a limit and it was not declining.."

"How much?!"

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