Chapter Six: Botanical Science Class

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Wednesday's P.O.V
It becomes the day of Monday, the second week that I've been here so far. It's now Botanical Science Class with Miss ThornHill who is the only normie in this school. I'm secretly talking to Thing who is hiding against a plant while standing on a small table alone. 

"How do you lose him in a bathroom with no windows?" I whisper to Thing. "A lefty wouldn't have failed me." Thing then acts as if it's sad. "Don't sulk. Now I'm going to have to find new evidence myself... since you lost only lead." 

"I see you finally made a friend." I turn to see Bianca had interupted my conversation with Thing. "Even if it is a plant." she joked. 

Then I said as if I didn't care, "I go for quality over quantity." 

              That's when Bianca leaves and I walk away from Thing. Everyone gets to their seats. Talia is sitting in between Zachary and Henry which was a bummer since I wish I could sit next to her. The only seat that wasn't taken was next to Xaviar who I honestly hate. He is drawing a black widow spider. Xaviar sighs looking up at me. 

"There's an open spot next to me." Xaviar said to me and I look at him. "If you can stand sitting that close to an elitist snob." he remarks my mean comment from yesterday. 

           I don't say anything and just went to go sit next to him. Xaviar suddenly uses his magic and puts his hand over the drawing that he finished. He then makes the spider come alive. The spider then starts crawling over to me. Is this supposed to make me scared? 

"I doubt Wednesday is impressed by your tricks, Mr. Thorpe." Miss ThornHill speaks out loud looking at us.

          In fact everyone is looking at us except for Talia who doesn't even seem to care what's happening. She's just reading her book, waiting for class to happen while Zachary and Henry both stare at us. Then Xaviar looks at me, smirking. 

"Admit it, you're a little impressed." he smirks, thinking he's so cool.

           I then look away from him and then looked at the spider. Several seconds later I just slammed it against my hand, making it disappear. Everyone laughs about it. This makes Xaviar upset and he just closes his journal. Xaviar is really dumb and he is so pathetic. 

"Wednesday, we're thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivourous plants." Miss ThornHill starts the class which is when I spot Talia putting her book away and paid attention. "Now who can tell us the name of this beauty?" 

          Miss ThornHill stands in front of her desk and points her hand towards a white flower. Bianca puts her hand up, waiting to be called on. How pathetic...

Before anything else could happen I just shout out, "Dendrophylax lindenii." 

Looking at me strangely Bianca puts her hand down then says to Miss ThornHill, "Otherwise known as the ghost orchid."

I then interupt, "First discovered on the Isle of Wight in 1854." 

Miss ThornHill looks at me impressed saying, "Very good, Wednesday." then she turns to look at Bianca. "Looks like you may have competition for first chair, Bianca." 

Quickly, Bianca makes a sarcastic smile. Someone makes a short laugh. 

"Wednesday, perphaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities." Miss ThornHill asks me. 

Responding quickly I said, "Resilience and adaptability. It's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments." 

Bianca tries to pitch in saying, "But it's mere presence can chance the ecosystem causing the established plants to reject it." 

Nodding her head in agreenment, Miss ThornHill nods her head. I then say back to Bianca, "Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked. NOthing a Weedwacker couldn't fix." that's when I see Talia starring at me as if she's impressed. 

"You can most certainly try." Bianca threatens. 

Xaviar gets confused about all of this and he speaks, "Are we still talking about flowers?" 

that makes the students chuckle. Bianca and I then stare at each other as if we both hate each other's guts in which case we do. 

Miss ThornHill then says to us, "Thank you, ladies, for those illuminating insights." Bianca and I then both turn to look back at Miss ThornHill. "Clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today." she makes a statement. 

Later that day I find Talia helping Enid on the canoe for the so called Poe Cup annual race. "Talia, you and I have to get back to the woods." Talia looks up at me. 

then I say to Enid, "But weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass." 

"And you want me to cover so that you and Talia can return to the scene of the crime that didn't happen?" Enid says, looking up at me as she paints the canoe. 

"I have beekeeping club this afternoon." I explained to Enid. "I need you as decoy." 

Enid then looks up at me and says, "Sorry. Two strikes. Plus Talia can't go with you. We are both busy and bees totally creep me out. Why don't you ask Thing? Oh wait, you can't because he's mad at you." 

I just look at her strangely... "Why is he mad? He's the one who screwed up with Rowan." 

"All I know is that we spent an hour giving each other manis, and he really opened up." Enid says to me. "He feels like you don't respect him as a person." 

"Well technically, he's only a hand." I corrected Enid. 

Talia then says to me, "Wednesday! He's your family." 

"Talia's right. He would do anything for you." Enid said. "Go apologize and I'll reconsider helping you." 

*after apologizing to Thing Wednesday gose into the woods with Talia and they both find Rowan's glasses. When Wednesday picked up Rowan's glasses she gets another vision. She sees the fight that Rowan had with Xaviar, the Scarlet Witch with her red eyes glowing, and the book. Talia becomes concerned and Wednesday just explained to Talia what she had just saw. The two then heads back to the campus. Wednesday needed to know everything even cluding who The Scarlet Witch actually is. So Wednesday heads to the library, trying to figured out the truth*

Next chapter will be about what happened to Talia since Wednesday finds evidence in the school's library. In the school's library there is a whole entire section about The Scarlet Witch's history. Yes, The Scarlet Witch is famous here in Nevermore Academy. Why? Well that's because there is a secret prophecy knowing that one day The Scarlet Witch will come and destroy their school because of how much she hates Talia. Wednesday finds the truth about this.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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