Emmie caught his glance, slowing her hand to a stop as their eyes stayed locked on one another. She gave him a small smile, as he did the same. Joe readjusted his position, sitting up a little more, leaning in slightly as he did so. He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, before pulling away and tilting her head up so he could reach her lips.

She instantly smiled, kissing him back, running her hand down to the back of his neck. It was a short but sweet moment. The two of them completely captivated by each other. But it wouldn't last long.

Only seconds later, a knock at the door came, and without thinking, Kevin barged inside the room. Quickly regretting his mistake.

"Good morn- Oh great!" He stopped himself in the doorway, quickly spinning around so he was no longer looking at them. "Why does this always happen to me?"

Joe chuckled, hearing his brother mumble under his breath. He kept his grasp on Emmie's hips, smiling at her as she glanced between the two.

"Good morning Kev, how'd you sleep?" Joe spoke sarcastically, clearly trying to tease him. Emmie gave him a look, but Joe just shrugged it off with a giggle.

"Do you two have to make out whilst I'm in the room?" Kevin asked, turning to face them once again, but shielding his face with his hands.

"Did you have to interrupt our make out?" Joe shot back, a wide grin on his face. He couldn't help but snicker to himself, watching Emmie's face drop as the two brothers scolded each other.

"I came here to tell you, Nick's hired that yacht we were discussing." Kevin nodded to Joe, "We'll be leaving in around an hour."

"We'll be there." Emmie interrupted, before Joe could think of anymore snarky comments. He pouted at her, crossing his arms like a child.

"Okay great." Kevin thanked her with a smile. "And Joe.. Please put a shirt on."

Joe silently mimicked him, as Kevin left the room, quickly shutting the door behind him. Emmie brought her glance back to Joe, letting out a small laugh as she realised how childish those two boys could be.

She removed her leg from his side, rolling off the bed and rising to her feet beside where he lay. Joe raised his eyebrows at her, as she reached out to grasp his hand.

"C'mon." She grinned, "You need to put a shirt on."

Emmie repeated Kevin's words with a chuckle. She pulled Joe onto his feet as he groaned from the loss of warmth of the covers.


Emmie smiled to herself, walking hand in hand with Joe, as they neared the rather large yacht awaiting them at the dock. He wore a floral blue button up shirt with longer black shorts. Although he chose to leave the shirt undone, explaining that the heat was too much for him. His hair had been styled within seconds, running a hand through it to perfect his fluffy curls. He had also stolen Emmie's glasses from her head, complaining that she wasn't even wearing them- so of course he had to instead.

They noticed Nick, leaning against the railing that surrounded the decking of the boat. He waved them over, everyone else already on board, greeting them at the entrance. The water rippled, making the boat rock gently as they stood beside it. Kevin held his hand out for Emmie, helping her on, whilst Joe stood beside her, holding her waist so she wouldn't fall. She thanked the both of them, smiling gratefully before noticing Danielle and Priyanka. Once Joe boarded safety, Emmie rushed over to her friends, pulling each of them into a hug.

"Isn't this beautiful?" Priyanka smiled, glancing out at the water. "I can't believe the boys had planned this and didn't tell us."

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