Chapter Seven: Second Stage

Start from the beginning

Merlin's POV (First Person)

On occasion I felt myself getting tired at the most worst times. Normally when I'm away from Arthur and helping out the visitors, but not Ann. Of course I'm not allowed near her. Her dad made sure of that. Even if I took a glance at her his eyes landed on me glaring.

I don't quite get why he is so protective. Like I would do anything. I gave him back the bracelet to give to her. He seemed please with it, luckily enough.

As I made Alan's bed I started to feel sick again and had to sit down on the bed for a moment or I would of fainted right then. Ever since Ann hit me with that door, its been nothing but struggling along doing normal activities. I've never had such trouble then I am now. It don't stop me doing my duties it just makes it that much harder.

I finished up with the room and left in a hurry to get back to Gaius. I need something to stop this happening all the time. I can't keep on going like this.

I walk down the corridor and around the corner and on towards Arthur's chamber. I made the next turn and walked straight into someone. "I'm am so sorry," spoke a voice so light I hardly heard it.

"It's alright,,,may I ask what you doing here?" I ask as I back away.

"Nothing special. Just visiting. Uther said it be a good time since you have other visitors and we can all reunite our Kingdoms. I'm Prince Jordon of Dartmoor," he said putting out his hand.

I looked at it for a few moments before I took his hand and shook it. "Ah Merlin I see you already met Jordon. I'm sorry I didn't get around to telling you. His father is here too. His name is Ian. Please make them both welcome. May I have a word in private," he suddenly says.

"I'll be on my way," he said looking at me strangely before he walked away. I look at Arthur. I hadn't seem him much of the day but as he put his arm around my shoulder I couldn't help but feel suddenly weak. Something rushed over me in an instant and I collapse at his feet in agony in my side. I put my hand to it feeling so overwhelmed with pain.

Arthur is down in front of me now looking at me in concern, "Merlin what is wrong?" he asked his eyes full of sadness.

"Arthur, I really don't know," I said through big breathes in.

"Your really worrying me," he said as he helped me to my feet.

"I'm going to be alright. Maybe Gaius will figure it out. Please don't worry," I tell him firmly.

"I don't think I can do that, Merlin. All this, its keeping me on edge."

"I know but give it time. It will pass."

"I don't know Merlin. Every time you feel like your better something seems to get worse again," he said as he helped me along the corridor.

I look at him and sigh, "I know. I don't know what is happening. I'm worried too, Arthur. Feel so useless."

"You think its just an illness?" he asks me.

"I hope so."

Unknown POV

"It seems stronger," the father spoke to his son.

"Of course it is. I took the best opportunity. It won't be too long now, Father. I promise you that. Soon, when they least expect it she will take over."

"And you still have this mad plan about killing her?"

"Why not!" he snaps at his father. "She don't deserve our help but we help her anyway!"

"It's more complicated then that, son."

"NO IT'S NOT! WHERE IS MOTHER? She killed her," he said the last few words more quietly.

"I know she did. I know that, but she isn't what we want. It's him. It's always been him, we just didn't know it," the father cracks a smile.

"You have this obsession but I don't blame you. Merlin at our Mercy, but I still don't see why people fear him. Merlin he is still just a serving boy magic or not. What is so amazing?"

"Everything. His magic is strong. That magic we can some day have ourselves. Remember that. He is the key to everything."

"Key to everything? I doubt that. All these prophecy's...why him? You never tell me!" he shouts again at his father.

"I can't be sure. Not certain but the way Morgana fears him. The way he stopped her and Morgause. I have a good feeling about this, about him. Trust me," the father says looking at his son.

"I still want her dead. I still want to rip her apart from ear to ear! Don't you understand that! I don't care about Merlin!" he screams.

"But I do. So do what I tell you and maybe just maybe we can take her down with us."

Unknown POV (New)

The fragile girl sat on the steps of the courtyard, thinking her next move. Kill him? Take him? Confront him? She is stuck on the decision. She was told to get close to him and strike. He stopped magic returning to this Kingdom! He fights such a lost cause! Yet he still stands by Uther and Arthur but for what? They are angry! So angry. But she can't help but feel there is more to him then everyone is making out to be. Something special but if she don't do something soon...he'll come and do it. He'll punish her and then strike him down himself. But what if there is so much more to him. So much more to Merlin.

Merlin: Enemy from within (Sequel to the return of Morgana)Where stories live. Discover now