16•Being Spider women is so easy!

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Three weeks later
4:45 pm
Maria pov

I've stayed in my dorms the last couple weeks,I've completely ignored everyone except Ganke,Gwen and...Okay I won't lie I've been avoiding Miles,I've been too busy saving everyone I won't be wasting my time on a little crush,I've been fighting a lot of villains lately Green Goblin,Black Cat,Doctor Octopus and my favorite The Prowler.

Honestly I've never been happier saving people,Everyday in this shitty world I can finally do something good!

Ganke turns his chair towards me,"So how's being spider woman?"He laughs as he holds up a camera up in my face and I push it away and I stand up.

"Being Spider-Woman is so easy!"I say with a big smile on my face.

"I'm sure it is..." He puts his camera down and looks around,"So...Maria I have a question"He looks slightly nervous when he says that."Hm?What is it?"I tilt my head waiting for his response.

"When are you and Miles gonna get married and live happily ever after?"He says with a smirk,I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm.
"Not going to happen" I say

"Alright little miss I definitely don't like miles"He scoffs and pulls out a sketchbook."Here Maria,I know you like to draw I've seen you...And it can be helpful when you're wanting to sketch a new suit"He mumbles and hands it too me,"You're like a sister to me,And I appreciate the time you gave me and your friendship and I've never been more grateful that I basically have a sister from another mother"He smiles and I give him the smile back."Thank you Ganke, I appreciate it...A lot honesty"

"I know...You definitely need it with everything that's going on right now"He replies with a pat on my back.And I look around the park,the rusty playground that I'm sure burns your ass if your wearing shorts on a hot summer day.

Then I get a weird feeling,It's not my spider senses...it's something else

"I need to go"I quickly get up and run off.


The New York Public Library
5:00 pm

Im almost at the library and I see my auntie coming out of the library,My spider senses tingle and I start runny towards her before I bump into someone."Oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean too-"The brunette said,Peter Parker.

"It's fine but I really have to be going now-"I say hurriedly and I start running towards her again and that's when I see it.

A gun.

My body freezes up and my blood goes cold,Everything is in slow motion.

I can hear myself yell for my auntie to watch out she turns her head towards me and looks at me confused.


One shoot
My auntie eyes widened and she looks down.


Second shot she falls back


Straight in the chest,A puddle of blood forms underneath her

Everything goes back to normal,I scream and run towards her and hold her hand.

"Tia Clarissa...I'm sorry I'm sorry..."I sob,She smiles at me slowly I'm surprised she's even made it this long.

"I know...my little spider.."She lifts up her hand and places it on my cheek,"With great...power..."She coughs up blood.

"Comes great responsibility."Her body goes limp.

"Tia?Tia?!please..wake up"

There's no response

"Someone call the police!"I hear someone shout and a hand placed on my shoulder

[585 words]

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