Did that just happen

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Did that just happen. I nearly got kissed by katie mccabe. Oh my god. She's so ho- I mean. Ahh I can't be thinking this. Fuck. No no no.
Leah comes out the changing room looking for me "there you are where were you" she says" are you OK?"she adds "y-ya I'm...I'm fine" "if you say so, well come on then we need to go". We get onto the coach back to our hotel, still unable to process what happened back in the stadium. I head up to my hotel room and just lye on the bed. Leahs gone to Lucy's room for abit which giving me time to think.

My phone screen lights up as I got a notification...
I check it to see what it is...

Katie Mccabe has started following you on Instagram

Oh shit.
I need to go to my grandparents to get this off my mind

I catch the bus to my grandparents. Ass I get in I can smell they had just cooked dinner, it smelt delicious."hey, I got back from my match" I say as I greeted them" ohh tell me all about it" my grandad asks  "well lost in penalties"" oh I'm so sorry sweety" my grandmother says " thanks nana" we talked for awhile but then I remembered I left 1 of my soccer balls here from the last time I visited and I know I do have a pair of boots here."I'm going to head down to the field bye" I say to my grandparents " bye be safe" they both said as I closed the front door.

As I approached the pitch I could hear people talking, I didn't think much until I saw them. They were players from the Irish team we just played including Katie. Fuck sake. I was heading to the opposite side of the pitch when I head someone whistle to catch my attention. I turned around and say ut was Denise o sullivan. "Give us a touch" she shouted. I passed the ball to her, she did a few kicks upys and passed again. "Sound" she said as she passed back. I knew they knew who I was as they already had 2 soccerballs so they only did it to get a reaction out of me or to see if I was nice enough. As the ball came towards me I flicked it up and looked up over to were the Irish girls were I could see Katie staring at me. She better not get on my nerves today.

As I got to the other side of the pitch I put on my boots. I did a few kicky upys as a quick warm up. I then started taking shots on the goal. As I went to get my ball from the net I could see the girl coming over "hey want to play a match?" one of them asked "am.. I don't know..." "cmon it'll be fun, won't it Katie" 1 of the girls said nudging Katies side. Fuck Katie told them. " ya I guess so" Katie said not amused by her friend." Fine...I'll play" I said with confidence " ok the teams will be me, katie and y/n the other team will be lucy, ruesha and Louise" Denise said. I could feel katies stare burning into the side of my face. I turned my head slightly so that my eyes would meet with hers. As we made eye contact she turned her head quickly and I could see slightly blush cross her face. DID I JUST SEE THAT NO NO NO IM DREAMING.

The match started my team was winning by 1 a goal from Denise. I manage to get the ball at my feet I dribble it passed ruesha. I take the shot and score. Katie runs up to me and high fives me but Denise congratulations me. I nodded as a sign of thanks. The game ended 4 -3. All of the girls left but katie. "Soo..."she said "what" "calm down I'm just trying to get a conversation started" "well you know it's going to be awkward mccabe" I say "going by second name terms then are we y/l/n" she says with a grin" just shut up" " make me" she says being cheeky "how can I with thst big mouth of yours?" I say back to her. She laughs " there's only 1 person who can shut me up with a certain way you know" she tells me quite shyly but with slight cheekiness " oh ya and who's that" I say "take a guess" "I dotn even know your friends mccabe" "I wouldn't say she's a friend" mccabe hints. It's not me is it I think to myself. "Just say who" I say to her " Fine... its you" she says with a wink. "Why me" " because that kiss... damn.. I cant stop thinking about it y/l/n". I gulp " what do you mean"....
"It means that I".....

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