In the same way as the redhead Gryffindor, Sirius also showed his disdain, but his sister was careful not to notice.

However, Alya couldn' refrain from casting a fleeting glance at James. Now it was his turn to stifle his laughter in fake coughs.

For the first time in six years, Alya walked out of the Potions classroom with a beaming expression, walking swaggeringly, ten feet off the ground in satisfaction.


30 March, 1977. Hogwarts, Forbidden Forest.

"I see my review lessons are paying off. I'm so proud of you, Alya!" James Potter chuckled wryly for at least half an hour as he held Alya fastened to his body in a warm embrace, both of them sitting on the grass turf of the clearing.

In the paper butterfly he had sent her that morning, to confirm their usual meeting in the Forbidden Forest, the Gryffindor had specifically stressed not to bring any miniature cauldrons, Potions manuals, or vials with ingredients. That would be the last Wednesday before the Easter holidays and both Alya and James would spend the next two weeks away from Hogwarts, in their respective homes with their families.


Therefore, James had no desire to spend those last stolen hours watching the girl bent over a steaming cauldron. He had something else in mind. And Alya could only be of the same opinion.

As soon as they recognised each other in the dense darkness of the forest, they did not even give each other time to greet or welcome each other that they had already rushed to embrace, plunging into a long and passionate kiss, which had the bittersweet taste of impending nostalgia. They had spent entire years without even a glance at each other, barely aware of each other's existence, yet now the idea of not being able to see each other, even in passing, for two whole weeks was tantamount to a heartbreaking farewell.

They would dedicate that evening to caresses and embraces, to whispers in the night and their secret smiles.

Sarcastic jokes and crystal clear laughter interspersed between kisses: James was having a great time mocking Professor Slughorn's dismayed face after Alya's unpredictable intervention, who was still gloating over the points awarded to her House.

"Anyway, Alya..." the girl's heart did a somersault. She still hadn't gotten used to the pleasant sensation of the sound of her own name being uttered by James' lips. "... You have to admit that those points belonged to the Gryffindors. After all, it is thanks to me that you finally learned the famous secret ingredient of every potion in existence!" sniggered the dishevelled boy, as his hand gently fiddled with Alya's raven hair. He loved her hair, he would have stroked it for hours.

"I feel sorry for you, Gryffindor of my boots, but I have no intention of giving up the prize I have so painstakingly earned."

"What about my hard work, shall we talk about that? Look it's not easy having you as a pupil, Miss Black! Your whining drove me crazy!" pretended James, as he attempted another ambush on the maiden's lips. But Alya blocked him, responding promptly to the subtle provocation.

"If I complain so much, it's because your explanations are so boring. You're worse than old Slughorn!" she replied with cutting malice, before indulging James's lips, teasing and torturing them with quick, sensual kisses. Unlike her, the Gryffindor was careful not to interrupt her; as long as Alya kissed him like that, he had no interest in having the last word in their sarcastic squabble.

Their tongues thus remained entwined in a slow and pleasant dance for several minutes, until Alya suddenly broke away. James protested, trying to bring her face closer to his again, but she stubbornly resisted. It was clear that something was on her mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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