A Plan of Action.

Start from the beginning

"Is that... my Loom?" Victor asks.
"Yes, that's your Loom" you tell him. "And you're the only one that can help us fix it."
"Well, la-di-da" Victor mumbles. Your face scrunched up in confusion.
"What is that? Is that a Chicago song or something?!"

You see Mobius shaking his head with a frown. "No, it's an Earth saying."
"For what?!"
"I guess shock or something, I don't know!"
"In Asgard, if we get shocked we just gasp like normal Asgardians would."

"Forgive m-me, Y/N, I've never heard of you" Victor tells you.
"No? Well I'm not exactly famous there. I'm more famous on Midgard, but not until 2012 thanks to this guy" you point to Loki with a smile.
"You're welcome, darling" Loki grins.

"What's M-Midgard?" Victor asks you.
"It's Earth, let's get going!" Loki ushers you all along.

"This way" Loki gestures Victor along as you all made your way down to Ouroboros.
"So, I built all of this?" Victor asks. "Or, I did. Or I will.. and I did?"
"Almost. You, but not you" Loki tries to explain.

"Look, can't we just take a look?" Victor asks, turning around and going to walk away. You quickly grab him, dragging him along.
"Trust me, it's not that great and we don't have time" Sylvie tells him. "Come on!"

"Listen. You're here to solve one of many problems, then you're free to wander around all you want" Mobius tells him as you all enter into Ouroboros's room. Casey was there now too, helping him.

"O.B! Long time no see!" You joke.
"But we saw each other around 10 minutes ago" he tells you. You sigh.
"I know, I was joking, doesn't matter!" You turn to Victor. "Victor, this is Casey and O.B."

"O.B?" Victor asks you.
"Yeah, Ouroboros. O.B is just easier to say because-" you cut yourself off when Victor does some surprised gasp, now smiling.

"Ouroboros?" He cheers.
"Yeah, that's me" O.B tells him.
"You wrote the TVA Handbook" he says, taking out his copy.

"Well.. yes, I did. But I learned everything I know from a brilliant 19th-century inventor named Victor Timely. If he'd had the resources, he would have been bigger than Einstein!" O.B rambles, suddenly looking up at Victor in realisation.

"Oh god" you sigh.

"What did you say your name was?" O.B asks him.
"Victor," Victor answers.
"So, if your work is based on his work, and his work is based on your work.." Loki looked confused.
"Exactly. Which came first?" Mobius asks.

"It's like a snake eating its own tail" O.B says.
"Mr Ouroboros, would you inscribe m-my handbook?" Victor asks him nervously.
"Only if you inscribe mine!" O.B smiles.

"I was living in your engineering descriptions" Victor tells him, grabbing a pen to sign O.B's book.
"Me? The way you explained the electric bypass system.."
"The bypass?"
"Poetry. Just poetry!"

"Guys, sorry to break up this bromance, but can we fix now and sign later?" Sylvie asks, making you nod in agreement.
"I agree with her, somehow" you say, hearing Sylvie scoff. "O.B, how's it going?"

"Uh, we have a good plan. It's a pretty good plan... yes, we have a plan!" He keeps repeating, calling Casey over and taking a tarp off the machine.

"Here's a model I mocked up of the Loom. Forgive the shoddy and slapdash work. It's not to scale!" Ouroboros explains, wheeling it over. "I only got one coat of paint on there. I haven't been able to carve out figures to represent all of us."

"The Loom" Victor points to the thing Casey was wheeling over. O.B looks away.
"I'm honestly embarrassed that Victor's here to see it.."
"Ok, I think you're being a little hard on yourself. It looks amazing, O.B" you praise him.

"All right, what's the plan?" Loki asks. O.B grabs the small figure, making it walk across the Loom's gangway.

"It's simple. One of us will have to take our Throughout Multiplier down the gangway. Load the Throughput Multiplier into the launcher. Then, they'll need to hit the green button and launch it towards the Loom. It will dock with the Loom where it will scale the Loom's capacity to manage the backlog of branches that was created.." he turns to Sylvie, suddenly looking annoyed. "Someone killed He Who Remains and released all those branches and ruined my life."

Sylvie just smirked, making you roll your eyes. O.B had shown exactly what was to be done on the model, but you were still somewhat confused.

"Hang on. What's the connection between the Throughput Multiplier and the Loom?" Loki asks.
"The rings of the Loom aren't wide enough" Casey answers him.
"That's correct" Ouroboros praises.

"You're very smart for someone who didn't know what a fish was" you tell Casey, who smiles gratefully.

"We need to make the rings bigger, so more branches can fit through. But there's one gigantic problem" O.B frowns.
"What's that?" Loki asks.

"There is much, much more Temporal Radiation through here than there was when you went out there, Mobius."
"Yeah, so much more" Casey adds.
"You told me that earlier!" You smile, making O.B smile back at you.
"I did."

"More?!" Mobius gasps.
"Yes" O.B answers.
"Okay, well, Loki or Y/N's really gonna have to hoof it then, right?"

You and Loki both turn to Mobius.
"Hang on a second, why is it suddenly us having to hoof it?" Loki asks.
"Because it's one of your turns."

"Why is it suddenly us though? There's a lot more people in the room" you point out.
"Because clearly, this isn't me!" Mobius picks up the small figure.
"It's not me either!" You yell. "I'm not that tall."

"Just because it isn't you, doesn't mean it's me either!" Loki argues.
"It's got your shape! And if you squint, you see Y/N's eyes through the helmet."
"My shape?!" Loki questions.
"My eyes?!" You add. "It's wearing a helmet!"

"It doesn't look like anyone" Sylvie breaks it up.
"I just don't think its me" Loki frowns.
"It doesn't matter who it is. It's doable" O.B tells the three of you. "But this person needs to be super fast!"

"Ah, so that's why it isn't Mobius" you grin, feeling Mobius's glare on you.

"Okay, great! So what are we waiting for? Let's do this" Sylvie claps.
"There's another problem" Casey frowns.
"What's that?" You ask.

"This whole plan is only theoretical because our Throughput Multiplier does not yet work" O.B explains, making your eyes widen.
"I beg your pardon?!" Loki snaps.
"It doesn't work?" You sigh.

"Wait! Let me g-guess!" Victor chips in from behind the Loom's model, making you jump.
"Fuck, I forgot he was here!" You whisper.
"Language, darling."
"I will bite you."

"The Loom's temporal decay o-outpaces your Multipliers throughput.. capabilities."
"Every time, yeah, how did you know that?!" Casey asks him.

"Because.. I had the same problem with my Loom.. until I made this" Victor explains, taking out a small ball-looking-thing from his bag. "It's a prototype still."

"O.B, it'll work?" Loki asks.
"Integrating them, if that would even work, would take a long time" O.B frowns.
"Mr Ouroboros, if anyone can, it's you and me" Victor smiles, shaking O.B's hand.

"Right, I'm leaving" you say.
"Yeah, let's give them some space to work" Mobius agrees, you, Mobius, Loki and Sylvie all exiting.

A/N - I thought I'd post this now cuz I'm at college early so have an early chapter 🥳.

Like the photo at the top? I've made a few of those cuz I got bored HELP.

I really am grateful that everyones enjoying the story. I've always been insecure about my writing which is why I wanted to push myself to do this one. I love reading all the comments it makes me so happy. Sometimes I go through my whole fic to re read them ahh. But we're nearly at 9,000 reads! 😭

Also.. I've nearly finished writing out s2 ep4 meaning I'll have nothing to do but wait for episode 5 I'm dreading it so much.

Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for reading.
Bye <3

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