Enchanted Halloween

Depuis le début

enjoying the spooky treats,

and participating in various Halloween-themed activities.

You were amazed by Sana's boundless energy and infectious laughter.

It seemed like the entire room lit up whenever she smiled.

As the night progressed,

you found yourselves seated in a cozy corner of the room,

sipping apple cider and chatting.

The conversation flowed effortlessly,

as if you'd known each other for a lifetime.

You talked about your favorite Halloween memories and traditions,

sharing stories of spooky encounters and funny costume mishaps.

Sana's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she recounted her own childhood Halloween adventures in South Korea.

"I used to go trick-or-treating with my friends,"

she said,

"and we'd have contests to see who could collect the most candy. It was so much fun!"

You shared your own Halloween memories,

and as you spoke,

you noticed Sana's hand gently brush against yours.

It sent a shiver down your spine,

not from fear,

but from the undeniable connection between you.

"Tonight has been so special,"

you said, your voice softening.

"I'm really glad I got to spend Halloween with you, Sana."

Sana smiled warmly and reached out to take your hand in hers.

"I'm glad too,"

she said.

"It's been an unforgettable night, and I'm grateful to have you as a friend."

As the night waned,

you and Sana continued to share stories,


and a growing sense of closeness.

The magic of Halloween had brought you together,

and in the warm glow of that enchanted evening,

you both knew that this was the beginning of a beautiful and lasting friendship.

In the realm where dreams came true,

Halloween had woven a tale of connection and sweet memories,

a story you would carry with you,

cherishing the night you and Sana from Twice became friends in the most enchanting way possible.

As the year went on,

your friendship with Sana continued to flourish.

You found yourselves sharing more than just the memories of that enchanting Halloween night.

Days turned into weeks,

and weeks into months,

and you realized that the connection you had was truly something special.

The changing seasons brought new adventures and opportunities to spend time together.

From exploring Seoul's vibrant neighborhoods to enjoying delicious Korean street food,

your friendship grew stronger with each passing day.

The bond between you and Sana deepened,

and you found yourselves confiding in each other,

sharing dreams,

and supporting each other through life's ups and downs.

One beautiful spring day,

you received a message from Sana that read,

"Hey, how about a picnic in the park next weekend? I want to show you my favorite spot in Seoul!"

You replied enthusiastically,

"Sounds perfect! I can't wait."

The day of the picnic arrived,

and the two of you met at the park.

Sana had prepared a basket filled with delicious sandwiches,

fresh fruit,


of course,

her favorite Korean snacks.

You spread out a cozy blanket under a blooming cherry blossom tree,

and together,

you enjoyed a delightful feast.

As you gazed at the pink petals gently falling around you,

you couldn't help but smile.

It was a scene straight out of a romantic Korean drama,

and you were living it with the one and only Sana.

The warmth of the sun,

the laughter in the air,

and the connection you shared made this day feel like a dream.

Sana turned to you and said,

"You know, I'm really grateful to have you in my life. Our friendship means the world to me."

You felt a surge of happiness and replied,

"I feel the same way, Sana. I can't believe how lucky I am to have met you. It's like a fairy tale."

She grinned,

her eyes sparkling,

and suddenly,

the world seemed to disappear,

leaving just the two of you in that moment.

In that instant,

you both realized that your connection had grown into something more profound than friendship.

It was a love story that had blossomed naturally and beautifully.

With gentle hesitation,

you leaned in,

and Sana met you halfway.

Your lips touched in a sweet and tender kiss,

under the blooming cherry blossoms that had witnessed countless love stories before yours.

It was the culmination of a beautiful journey that started on a magical Halloween night.

From that day forward,

your love story with Sana was filled with laughter,


and the magic of shared dreams.


you faced the world as a couple,

navigating the challenges of fame and fortune,

but always grounded by the genuine love that had blossomed between you.

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant