Chapter 1

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It was a quiet day at the detective agency as sunlight streamed in through the windows, illuminating the particles of dust in the air. They had just opened for the day and no orders had come in yet. Everyone was taking it easy, except Kunikida of course.

Akutagawa had almost fallen asleep in his chair until a sudden knock on the door stirred him awake. Kenji was away on farm duty, Ranpo was still out of the country on a mission, Tanizaki and his sister where too distracted, and Yosano and Kunikida were busy doing their own things, leaving Akutagawa to answer the door himself.

"Yes?" He asked, opening the door to a boy with silver hair wearing a jacket that adorned white fluffy fur around the collar. He didn't fully register who it was at first but once he did, his eyes narrowed. "You."

"You." The boy, who's name he remembered to be Atsushi, said back, returning his glare.

"Have you finally come for a rematch?" He asked in his usual cold tone as the gray tendrils of rashōmon threateningly loomed behind him, formed into sharp sword like spikes. He had learned to be a bit more civil but at the moment, he didn't care.

"No." He was seemingly unbothered by Akutagawa's intimidating display. "I came to join the detective agency." Atsushi said with the tone of a child who had to do something they didn't want to.

"What?" Akutagawa returned rashōmon to it's normal state within the fabric of his coat. "They won't let just anyone join."

"Yeah, I know. But they let someone as destructive as you join so, I'd say I've got a chance."

Akutagawa would've released rashōmon again but he felt he would only be proving Atsushi's point so, he stayed silent.

"Besides, we're the only ones who know the truth about this world and it's going to take both of us to protect it."

"I suppose you're right." He begrudgingly admitted. Even if this world was just words on a page, it was still where they lived and breathed. It was worth saving, even if he had to team up with Atsushi to do it.

"Just don't think this means I've forgiven you for what you did to Kyouka."

"I haven't forgotten you trying to kill me either." He said as Atsushi walked past him and into the headquarters. He didn't really expect to be forgiven for that but he was glad no harm actually came to the girl.

"You started it."

The two stood there in a glaring match as the others did nothing but watch, afraid to make a move until Kunikida came out of his office and saw the two, having overheard their arguing. The situation seemed tense but they hadn't destroyed the building yet so he decided to approach this calmly. "What's he doing here?"

"Apparently, he's come to join our ranks." Akutagawa said with his usual monotone voice, still glaring at the shorter boy.

"I see..." Kunikida adjusted his glasses. "I'll have to inform the president." He said before walking off, checking his book of ideals and muttering something about his schedule being thrown off.

The two continued glaring at each other a few moments longer but it didn't escalate any further than that as Akutagawa broke their gaze and walked back to his desk before one of his fellow detectives had to tell him to. He still kept an eye on the tiger boy, much like everyone else was, just in case. The air was tense and heavy in their headquarters even if Atsushi didn't seem to be a direct threat to them. They all knew what the boy was capable of, despite him being cut loose from the strings that bound him to the port mafia.

That tension dissipated when Fukuzawa came out to personally see to the matter with Kunikida in tow. His presence being the sword needed to cut through it.

"The port mafia's white reaper, Atsushi Nakajima." The president greeted him, seeming calmer than anyone else in the room. "I understand that you want to join the agency?"

"Yes. I don't expect you to excuse the things I've done while I was part of the mafia but I've learned and grown since then. I don't plan to hurt any of you."

"You want to redeem yourself then."

"I plan to, but I also came to see Kyouka. I heard your organization took care of her after the fight." At that everyone went more rigid than they already were, aside from Akutagawa.

"We tried but once she woke up she disappeared in search of you. We assumed she found you."

They all expected him to get mad or even fly into a rage, instead he looked worried that he didn't know where Kyouka was either. She didn't show up at the orphanage and she wouldn't have returned to the port mafia without him, so where was she?

"...She didn't." He answered quietly and everyone shifted uncomfortably, unsure of his next move. Akutagawa had seen how Atsushi reacted to the girl being threatened so he expected him to lash out or have a breakdown more than anyone. He sat there, prepared to call on rashōmon at a moments notice. "I don't know where she is..."

There were a few moments of silence where the entire building seemed to hold a collective breath before the president spoke again.

"If you prove to be an ally and work well with us, we can help you find her." Fukuzawa gave him the same choice he had given to Akutagawa upon joining which wasn't quite as surprising as Atsushi's reaction.

"Then I'll do my best." He said with a bit of anxious determination, earning a nod from the president as if this was what he expected. Tanizaki let out an audible sigh of relief but Naomi didn't release her protective grip on her brother and Akutagawa lowered his defenses ever so slightly. Perhaps the tiger had really left his past behind after all but he wasn't prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt just yet.

"We actually just got a call for a job." Kunikida chimed in, serious as always. "Someone's been snooping around a warehouse and they think he may be an ability user who's been very hard to pin down."

"He's left behind melted safes and walls before disappearing without a trace. It may be dangerous but it should be a suitable first job, if you want to accept it." Fukuzawa added.

Atsushi didn't even pause to think it over, he just nodded. If it was a step to helping him find Kyouka, he'd take it. He wasn't sure how he would fare, being out on the field again but he tried to be optimistic.

"I'll do it."

"I would have you bring Tanizaki with you but Naomi shouldn't be involved in this." The president said, knowing if the other boy went, his sister would want to tag along. "That leaves Akutagawa."

No sooner than the words left president Fukuzawa's mouth, their glaring match resumed. Neither of them were happy about this.

"Isn't there anyone else you could choose?" Akutagawa asked, a hint of irritation evident in his tone.

"Yosano wouldn't be a good match for this job." He began. "Aside from that, both of you are very skilled and it may just take you both to bring him in."

Atsushi grumbled but he didn't voice his disagreement otherwise. Akutagawa was going to say something else but found himself reluctantly agreeing once he thought of his own sister. He'd done plenty of good since then but perhaps teaming up with the tiger and trying to get along with him, as much as he didn't want to, would be another way to prove to her and himself that he wasn't evil.



~Authors note~

I finally bring you chapter 1! I tried to make everyone as in character as I could but I still don't feel like it's good enough. Anyway, I hope it's at least kindof as good as you were hoping! I've got big plans for this one!

Also, I kindof picture Fukuzawa internally screaming when he's talking to Atsushi. lol

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