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"I know that this is mandatory for you to be here after what had happened to you, along with a lot of people witnessing what had occurred. If you want to talk, you're more than welcome to. But please understand that if you want therapy to work, you'll have to be honest with both yourself and me."

Mirko had originally made me go to therapy whenever the events of the Night Hag had occurred. She knew that it wouldn't have worked the first time, so she tried and tried again. This is the third therapist I've been do, and this time, Mirko told me to at least try instead of closing myself off.

She wanted me to get better, even my eldest sister had agreed that i should try at least. So today was my first day with this newer therapist. I was her first ever client, and she went to school mostly to help heroes and their mental state.

"There's more to you that most people don't understand. I know I'm your third therapist, but you are my first client. As much as i am new to this, i also know what I'm doing. Why don't we start off with something easy. What's your name, quirk, and the type of hero you strive to be? I can start off with my name, it's Rin Nakamaru."

I tilted my head a bit. She already knew my name and my quirk. She could tell that I wasn't going to budge so she sat there waiting. She was very patient with me, unlike the other two, she waited.

"My name is y/n todoroki. My quirk is related to ice. Ice so cold that I've been given the name, Frostbite. The type of hero I want to be is the one that can show others that no matter your hardship, someone will be there to save you and be there for you. I want to show people that I am capable."

I answered honestly. I could see the therapist smile as she was able to get an answer.

"I understand that you're in your third year at UA, how does that make you feel?"

"If I'm being honest... worried. Physically I know I have what it takes, but mentally? I'm not ready."

She nods her head. She writes somethings down, and also reflects on the other notes the other therapist have written. She took one look at them before throwing them away. She could tell that the other two therapist had useless information as they didn't even get the chance for me to talk to them.

"Now within your file it describes you as cold. Your attitude is one of lax, yet you keep to yourself and don't allow others in. I'm not going to tell you that you need to let me in, but if you chose to, that's okay as well. I know other therapists are all up on you to get you to open up in the first session, but honestly I don't like that method. Today we can talk about our quirks, if you want to talk about mine we can, but if you'd rather talk about yours we can do that as well."

I tilted my head, i did wonder what her quirk was to want to enter the field of psychology. Especially to help heroes. I nod my head.

"Let's see yours."

I say firmly towards her, interested in what she had in store for me to see. She smiles softly at me, she touches my arm, as she holds up her hand and a light blue flame is emitted.

"You feel at ease with me, so you're calm. What i can do is touch people and hold out my hand like this and it will emit a flame. Depending on your mood, it will be a different color. With this flame i can use it to temporarily change someone's mood. For example,"

She then decided to take her hand off of me, and put it on herself. She had a different mood then i did, the flame was now emitting a darker blue.

"This mood or emotion is known as inquisitive. With your permission, i would like to show you what exactly my quirk does."

I nodded my head.

"You may."

She smiles at me she takes her other hand off herself and kept the flame going, she requested i hold my hand out and i did. Once i did, she places the flame over my hand and i could feel as if i started to become more curious. I wanted to know more, i had a lot of questions running through my mind, but i was able to get out one.

Blue Ice || Mirio Togata X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now