Taken too far

229 13 1

"I'm not going anywhere until I know she's okay."
<Mirio Togata>


I don't understand when things got taken to the worst. I don't understand why most of my peers hate me so much. I don't understand why on earth are these villains are wanting to be heroes. I don't understand how they found out.

I can only assume it started because of the sudden rise to fame those three were getting. They were being called the big three. I 100% agree that they deserved it more than anything. I disliked the spotlight plus not a lot of people liked me anyways. But as UA had put it, I was their number one student. Don't know how, don't know when. It was only the sixth month in of our second year here at UA. The four of us had gotten into pretty popular work studies. Amajiki with Fatgum, Togata with Sir Nighteye, Nejire with Ryuku, and myself with Mirko.

Mirko had chosen me because Hawks had recommended I work under her. It was because he couldn't fully take me as an intern to which I understood. He was new and he didn't have the proper things to be having an intern right away that was a student. He also said Mirko could help me express my feelings better and to be more upfront.

Right now I was using the bathroom, like any normal person would do. I was washing my hands and there was a group of girls, mostly composed of third years that disliked me.

"Todoroki right? The one who's mom is in the hospital? Because she's like totally crazy."

She clicks her tongue while saying this and twirling her hair. I roll my eyes, I wanted to pass by them and get to class but they wouldn't let me. I could have easily used my quirk, but I wasn't going to risk my reputation anymore than it already is. I didn't care about the school talking, I cared about the adults talking. To which they knew that the stuff said about me wasn't true.

"Please let me get to class."

"I don't think so, you see.. you have something that we want, and we want you to stay away from it."

Two girls grabbed my arms and started giggling. I started to wiggle out of their grasp when sharp nails grabbed my jaw and forced me to look into green eyes. Paralyzation. I knew who this girl was after realizing the shade of green. Her name was Ela. She was known to be an almost rated R, similar to Midnight. Her eyes could make anyone succumb to her, only being able to stop them from moving for a certain amount of time. The color of the eyes she had determined this. Only downside to her quirk is she had to be right in the person's face to do so.

"Stay away from Mirio. All you're doing is damaging his reputation and I don't need my baby to have such a ruined reputation because some ice box bitch can't follow the hierarchy of the school."

Another down side to her quirk, she can't make the user mute. So in response, I spat right in her face and glared at her.

"Why are you even wanting to be a hero? This isn't what heroes do.."

I was able to get out before being kneed in the stomach. They then forced me to the ground where I was still paralyzed. Ela scratched me with her nails, causing the underneath of my eye to bleed, along with my cheek. Her little wannabe sidekicks had also kicked me and even stomped on my arm,

"We don't need weaklings like you at UA! Recommendation student? As if, your daddy probably paid your way into UA."

One of her sidekicks said. One had brought out scissors and smirk at Ela. Ela nods her head and she forces me to sit up.

"I heard Mirio likes girls with long hair, how about we chop this baby up?"

I widen my eyes. The scissors got closer and eventually I could see red locks fall down. The red locks reminded me of my father and I didn't really enjoy seeing it. My vision was starting to get blotchy. I still refused to cry. They had cut my hair to where my shoulders were at but some parts were cut crooked so it was intentional to make one side longer and uneven.

Blue Ice || Mirio Togata X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now