"Perv." I roll my eyes. I'm literally just standing in my bathroom, like, what?

"I like to think of myself as an admirer, but I guess that word could also work." She shrugs. "Yeah, okay." I say sarcastically.

I quick brush my hair out before starting to brush my teeth. "You have work today?" Billie asks. "No, it was my day off." I tell her. "Oh, okay." She nods.

I turn the light off in my bathroom and grab my phone as I walk back into my bedroom. I sit on my bed next to Sunny and I pet her head.

"You look pretty, Vae." Billie randomly says. I feel my face heat up and I smile softly. Why do I feel this way? It's just a compliment.

"Thanks." I say. Billie gasps and I furrow my eyebrows. "Is that Sunny?" She asks. "Oh yeah, it is." I pick her up with one hand and show her to the camera so Billie can see. "Nevaeh, I'm seriously gonna steal her." She says.

"No, you're seriously not." I chuckle. "Wait, let me see your dog." She nods and gets up to go get her dog. She turns the camera around and I see him. "You never told me his name." I say.

"Shark." She tells me. "He's such a cutie." I giggle. "We can trade."

"Um, no, we can't." She rolls her eyes. "Oh, so you can take my dog, but I can't take yours?" I ask and she nods. "That's correct." She says.

"Wow, I see how it is." I sigh, pretending to be offended.

"Nevaeh, do you know where my charger is?" Isaiah calls out to me from his room. "I don't know, I haven't touched it." I tell him.

"I swear to God, if Sunny took it and chewed on it, I'm gonna be pissed!" He shouts. "Leave my poor baby alone." I roll my eyes. "Sunny, don't listen to him. I still love you even if he doesn't." I pet Sunny's head. "What was that?" Billie giggles.

"Isaiah being a drama queen about his charger." I laugh. "I heard that!" He yells. "Good!" I shout back. "Can I meet the famous Isaiah?" She gasps. "Sure, one sec." I laugh. "Isaiah, Billie wants to meet you!" I say and as soon as I'm done talking, I hear a loud scream. "BILLIE EILISH WANTS TO TALK TO ME?" He yells, making me and Billie burst out laughing. "Yeah, get your dumbass in here." I shout.

"God damn, is that man loud." Billie chuckles. "Try living with him." I sigh. Isaiah comes in with a scared look on his face. "Is she on there now?" He mouths to me and I nod. "C'mon, just say hi." I tell him. He sits on my bed and I hand him the phone.

"Oh my fucking God." His eyes widen when he sees Billie on my screen. "Hello to you too." Billie says with a laugh. "It's nice to finally meet you. Nevaeh talks about you a lot."

"Good things I hope?" He asks. "Yeah.. definitely!" She says in a not so convincing voice and Isaiah glares at me. "Okay, anyways, it's literally an honor to meet you. Nevaeh talks about you, like.. 24/7." He giggles and I punch his arm. "I do not!" I say.

"Aw, I'm flattered, baby." Billie pouts jokingly. Isaiah looks at me with widened eyes once again and I shrug. Bro, my heart fucking races when she calls me that. Like, the Billie Eilish just called me 'baby.'

"I don't talk about you that much." I roll my eyes and sigh. "It's okay, Vaeh, you don't gotta lie." She smirks teasingly. "Okay, I'm gonna hang up now." I smile sarcastically. "No, c'mon, baby. Don't be like that." She frowns. "I told you to stop calling me that." I groan. "Okay, I'm third wheeling now. I'm gonna go, it was nice to meet you, Billie." Isaiah says, waving to the screen.

"You're not third wheeling!" I elbow him. "I literally am. You two are flirting like fucking crazy." He laughs and gets off my bed. "We're not, but okay." I scoff. "Right, Isaiah? She never wants to admit it!" Billie chimes in. "Be quiet, Eilish." I shush her.

"That was hot as hell, so I'll listen like a good girl." She smiles innocently. "Alright, pack it up." I grimace jokingly. "Ew, I'm so scared of women. Goodnight, Nevaeh." Isaiah runs out of the room and shuts the door.

"Homo." I mumble under my breath. Women are literally a gift from the universe, how can someone be scared of them?

"I know, you don't gotta point it out." Billie sighs. "I wasn't talking about you." I tell her. "So? It still applies." She shrugs. "Whatever." I say.

"I'm gonna go to bed, I'm tired." I yawn. "Aw, already?" She asks. "Yeah, why?" I furrow my brows.

"I wanted to keep talking to you more." She says quietly as she frowns.

I think my heart just skipped a beat.

Wait, I didn't mean to admit that.

"I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" I say to her. "Okay." She sighs. "Bye, Billie. Goodnight." I wave.

"Bye, Vae. Sleep well, angel." She smiles.

Oh my God?

"Angel?" I giggle. "Yeah, cause your name is heaven backwards." She tells me. "That's cute. I like it." I give her a small smile. "I'm glad. Goodnight, Nevaeh." She says.

I smile and hang up the call.

I put my phone down and kiss Sunny on her head. "Goodnight, Sun." I say to her. I shut the lamp on my nightstand off and I lay my head down and get under the comforter.

The whole night, I keep thinking about Billie. The word 'angel' in her voice repeats over and over in my head.

No, Nevaeh. Don't do this.

Don't feel this way.


Ugh, fuck it.

a/n 🤍

this chapter is so cute

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