the very start

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I was woken up to the sound of my alarm going off on the my bedside dresser. It was 6 am as I had to get up early as I'm flying over ireland for a match against the republic of ireland, we had to fly over 2 days before the match as our coaches wanted to train us there.

I had my bag all packed and ready I said bye to my brother as my mom waited in the car for me I put my back in the boot of the car. As we drove off to St Georges Park as the team was getting a bus to the airport, my mother turned to me and asked was I nervous " of course I'm nervous mom playing against a team that we've never played against before but I know ireland quite well so I'm slightly nervous now that I have spoken about it" I knew ireland quite well as my dad was from ireland so we visit ireland every year as my grandparents are over there " well make sure to ring me everyday please so I know how your getting on" my mom says to me as we pull up to St George's Park " I will mom don't worry" I say as I unbuckle my seat belt and get out the car " bye mom love you" I add as I close the car door shut and grap my bag from the boot.

I make my way to the front doors of St George's Park, as I walk in I'm greeted by at very excited Ella toone who's buzzed to go to ireland even tho it might be like -2°. As more people began to arrive such as alessia russo, Lucy bronze, leah williamson and keira walsh, we all began to split into our little groups. I was in a group with leah,Ella,alessia and Lucy. We were all talking about the trip to ireland especially if we were staying there for a week but as we were talking leah asks us " so what do we think about the famous Katie Mccabe? Well?"
"I heard she's really aggressive" Lucy explains
"I heard she broke someone's ankle because of a dirty slide tackle" Ella also tells us
"I didn't hear anything and she might not even be as bad as it sounds" I say but by god was I wrong

Skip to when we land in Dublin Airport

We just got out of the airport and we are now on a bus to our hotel that we will be staying in for the next week it was close to my grandparents so I can go visit them in my free time although I might have to catch the bus there which is a 30 minute bus drive the max but I wouldn't mind as I love my grandparents. We reached the hotel we got out the bus and into the hotel lobby we all waited for our coaches to figure out the rooms. About 15 minutes later the coaches decided whose rooming with who "ok room number 1 is lucy and keira walsh room number 2 is alessia russo and mille bright room number 3 ella toone and Rachel daly room number 4 is leah williamson and y/n y/l/n" the coach says the rest of the rooms and hands out the key cards to everyone. Me and leah made our way into our rooms there was only 1 double bed which we didn't mind as I roomed with keah before and we done this before so we didn't care as we unpack our stuff we got a message from our coaches saying " meet us down in the lobby in 5 minutes" " omg can't even unpack our stuff now" leah gives out.
I laugh at her as I was just about to leave she holds me back " wait stay there" "what?" I say " did u try taking the keycard of me " she say as I ran and slam the door behind me I could hear her open the room door and her footsteps tracing behind. I won't lie being chased by leah is quite scary as she's fast. I beat her to the lobby which she wasn't impressed about as she was super out of breath and the face I beat her there.

As everyone showed up to the lobby the coaches told us our schedule for the 2 days before the match, we had a rest day today but tomorrow was a hard training day as we only have 1 training before the match. Today was my chance to go visit my grandparents but it was only around 10 am so I had time to get ready and catch the bus to Kilnamanagh. As the time dragged by I texted my grandmother asking her if she was free today she said she was and I told her ill be down to her house 1 pm

Skip to when I got off at the bus stop near my grandparents it was only a 5 minute walk from the bus stop. As I was walking I had my England gear on still as I wasn't arsed to get changed from when we first arrived but it was clean it was fine to wear, but as I was walking in my England kit on I had my head down as I was on my phone, I could hear a soccerball being bounced up a head I pull my head up from my phone and see a group of girls looked around my age, one of them pointed towards me my first thought was they never saw me around and must think I'm new but I've been here before so mabye there just curious. No I was wrong. It was because of my England kit I noticed 1 of them had an Irish kit on as I got closer to them. I nodded my head as a sign of hello but I just got ignored but only 1 of them said "hiya" towards me. I shrugged it off and continued to walk on. I got to my grandparents house they loved company but they rarely got it as most of the family moved to different county's countries even. We talked for a while but I brought up the question of katie mccabe and had they heard of her
"Do you know a girl called Katie Mccabe" I asked " You mean the Mccabes as in the next door neighbours" my grandad replied. I was quite shocked as I didn't expect them to be my neighbours "I'm not sure if she is our neighbour but does she play football" I added " Ya she does so does her older brother Gary" my grandad said "How do you know her" my grandmother added "I just heard stories that's all thanks for the help though" I say ending that conversation about Katie...


Short story for the first part and the only reason I'm added like the lionesses now is because like you'd know them and there personally the best so ya sorry I'd it's confusing in a way but feel free to give ideas

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