You limp over, ignoring the searing pain currently in your side. "Sylvie!" You scream. "We've never met this man in our lives! We didn't give him that book. We never heard the name 'Victor Timely' until today!"

"We were shocked when we saw his face, too. Maybe you're right. Maybe we should throw him off this Ferris wheel! But we need him. The TVA needs him! The lives they protect need him!" Loki yells, letting Victor down from the wall.

"You guys haven't got a clue, have you?" Sylvie scoffs, running towards Victor. Loki throws his arm around you before using his magic, sending Victor and Sylvie to opposite sides of the cart.

"Those lives, your home, are in danger!" You yell desperately. "And right now, he may be our best hope of saving them."

"This is all very familiar, isn't it?" Sylvie says, making your face drop.
"Yes, it is" you respond. "I remember you trying to kill me, and now you're doing it again over a man who has done nothing wrong yet!"

"He takes peoples free will!"
"No, He Who Remains does. Victor hasn't done shit!" You scream in frustration. "Last time, I was only defending myself when we fought. Come at me or Loki again, I will kill you."

Sylvie smirks, running over and taking a swing at you. You swerve out the way, taking her wrist and slamming her face first into the floor. She hurries to a stand, backing away as she faces you.

"I can't let him live" Sylvie frowns, her hands suddenly glowing. Your eyes widen as Loki pulls you behind him, his hands now glowing too. You squeeze your eyes shut, clutching your wound as you braced for the impact.

You were suddenly flung back, the glass smashing as you fell past the stairs and hit harshly onto the ground. You groan out in pain, slowly rolling over to your back. "Stupid fucking Lokis" you sigh.

"What the hell happened?!" You heard Mobius asking, looking up and seeing both him and Loki above you.
"I'll explain later" Loki was saying, bending down to help you up. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine" you nod, but he didn't look convinced.
"You sure?! You're bleeding like crazy."
"When we get back to the TVA, maybe Ouroboros can take a look at it" Mobius suggests. You were learning on Loki for support.

"I thought he just repaired machines?" You ask him.
"No, actually! B-15 told me how this one time she almost sliced her finger clean off on a pencil sharpener because we hadn't gotten them in the TVA before so we were, like, super curious. But, point is, she went of O.B. She has a finger!"

"That's a finger, Mobius. The whole side of her is sliced open!" Loki freaked out, his hand desperately on your side.
"Loki it's fine, we have bigger issues than this!" You say. "Like, where is Victor?!"

At that moment, Miss Minutes appeared. She had suddenly grown a lot bigger, laughing at the midgardian's screams of horror bellow her.
"Oh no" you sigh, turning as Sylvie storms over to the two of you.

"This is on you two" she scoffed, making you roll your eyes as she walked away. You were still on Loki for support, seeing him throw you a worried look.

"Loki, it's fine."
"Doesn't look fine."
"I'll be fine until we get back to the TVA."

"Loki, Y/N, come on!" Mobius yells, coming over with two bikes. One of them were a double bike. "I got you two this one" he winks.
"Absolutely not" Loki shakes his head.

"That's such a cool bike!" You smile, trying to drag Loki over. You ignored any pain that shot through you to not raise any further worry from the boys. "We're getting on that bike, Loki."

Chaos - Loki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now