Chapter I

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You have always been the girl that thinks deeply about everything. You analyze moments in your life just to understand them in a more logical way. There is nothing wrong with that, yet it causes you to detach yourself from other people.

It was a slow night at Mr.Lucky's. Mr.Lucky's is a bar you work at to pay your college tuition. You major in drama/theatre. Working at a bar exposes you to a variety of personalities that could be used in practice, so it was a win win!

You decided to go to the roof of the bar to take your break. It closes on slow nights, so it was the perfect spot to eat your graham crackers and think. It wasn't too cold. The air was quiet, except for the slight wind tickling your skin. You were wearing a hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, and little moccasins. Cute!

Your mind wondered through the files of ideas you locked in your imagination. A prince. You need a prince. In a play at school, you play a princess. Ever since you were little, you wanted to be a princess. All you needed was a prince.

"Where are you kind prince? Why are you making me wait for so long? I'll be ash before you show up to save me from this tall tower I call... life.", you said as a graham cracker fell of the roof ledge.


Still, you trailed on about your lack of sex appeal that caused you to be without a prince and stuck in a tower. It was another file deep in your thoughts that you analyzed, but desperately wanted to shred.

Suddenly, the roof door flew open. Angry footsteps stormed toward you. You got up quick hoping it wasn't a drunk customer that wanted to "have fun". Instead, it was a boy. He was around your height or an inch taller. His hair was orange... He's a ginger. The look on his face was not a kind one.

"Was it you?! Did you throw this graham cracker at me?!", he showed you the broken cracker and dropped it to the ground.

You were so speechless. His eyes had you under an enchanted spell so quickly.

"It was an accident, sir. I apologize for... m-my... stupidity. Please, I'll buy you a drink... to make up for it."

His face became soft and sympathetic. He looked even more adorable now, than ever.

"...Don't worry. It was an accident. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I just thought it was some drunk jerk."

You giggled at the words. Just a few minutes ago, you had thought he was some drunk jerk.

He smiled slightly. "What?"

"Oh nothing! I wasn't laughing at you silly!" you said with a childish tone.

"How 'bout I buy you a drink?", he said stepping a little closer.

"Thank you, but I'm not aloud to drink while on the job."

You took a moment to think. This cute ginger boy asked to buy you a drink. Is he interested in you? Is he just being kind? Does he feel pity for you and your non-sexy appearance? ...was he your prince?

He pouted his thin rosy lips. "Maybe some coffee sometime....?

Your cheeks became as warm as his smile. He laughed, obviously at the fact that your cheeks were almost the color of his wild locks.

"I... I would really like that. Tomorrow?"

He wrote his number on the napkin under your water bottle.

"Here is my number. Time and place. I hope to see you there... uh?", his eyebrow lifted with curiousity.

"Essi.... my name is Essi."

He handed you the napkin and planted a gentle kiss on your hand.

"It was a pleasure meeting you.... in this way."

You both laughed at this awkward situation. He sent you another smirk and turned to leave. You were standing in shock. He was so... enchanting. Like a prince.

Then, a light went on in your busy mind. His name? You didn't get his name! Before, you could ask he was gone. He was down the stairs and out the door before you could get a glance of him.

A pout formed on your face. You stood by the front door of the bar; looking at the sky. Your thoughts started racing. THE NAPKIN!

You looked down at the wrinkled napkin. His number was writen as if a child did it, and underneath was his name. Your lips parted in a heart shape.

"Ed Sheer.. an. Ed Sheeran."

A blush formed on your plump cheeks. Your smile was cheesy as ever.

"Tomorrow. Starbucks. 2:30p.m. I won't be late!"

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