23.lessons learned, bonds forged

Start from the beginning

"Ok starting from you Inayah, what do you think?"

"Afcourse not all villains are inherently bad, sometimes villians have complex motivation which drive them to set their own set of principles or ideologies. But that doesn't mean that their actions are justifiable." I state my facts.

"What about those villains who have tragic backstories? Everyone always have their reasons. Maybe they were forced to become a villain, maybe the world did them so bad that they finally decided to reach their villain arc and pay back to everyone who did them bad." He leans back against his chair like he is interested in what I have to say back.

"Even if they had a tragic backstory, it doesn't give them the privilege to violate not only their bad doers but everyone around them including the innocents. They are not only distorting social values but are also breaking the laws and the moral values, when they just could've asked for justice to the law rather than taking the actions in the their own hands."

"What about flint Marko? He had his justified reasons, his antagonistic actions were mostly the result of his fear of losing his daughter. What about magneto from x-men franchise? He experienced a great deal of bigotry due to his Jewish heritage.

His entire family was executed and dumped into a mass grave after trying to escape the Ghetto. Max survived this execution as his powers manifested when the bullet came rushing towards him and he managed to deflect it.

He was captured and brought to Auschwitz thereafter and was given the job of disposing bodies killed in the gas chamber. He even suffered the death of his daughter and losing touch with his lover Magda.

Magneto's goal is ultimately to defend mutants and teach society a lesson for treating mutants as second-class, a feeling he knows all too well. Does all this not justify his action?"

"Why Magneto is bad? Because He believed humans and mutants couldn't co-exist and that they shouldn't, and was willing to go to immoral and criminal lengths to see his cause actualized him initially aimed to conquer the world to enable mutants, whom he refers to as Homo superior, to replace humans as the dominant species.

Even though what happened with him was tragic it doesn't mean the only way to get through to people like that is violence and-

"ok guys good argument but your 5 minutes are over, we can continue the same in next session. Now we will move to something more theoretical, I'll divide you guys in groups and you have to make workbook on one of the books you have recently read. Stating all the detailed theory and summary of the same. The group are the same as earlier. You guys can leave now"

I mentally groan, this day couldn't get any more worse.

I can't imagine how I am going to work with him, wasn't being at home all the time with him not enough?

Packing all my stuff I start to walk near the study area, feeling someone's presence behind me I turn to see Arhaan walking beside me with a smile on his face.

What's he smiling for?

"What?" I ask annoyed, why can't he leave me alone for once?"

"Nothing, still thinking how you still think that all villains are bad."

"I never said that, maybe you were to busy with your day dreaming that you didn't heard my facts right."

" you know you can't always be right trésor, someone should put you in your place." He bickered.

"And you think, you'll be the one to do that? You think you can handle that? Cute. I could have you on your knees in a heart beat in any debate session, it would suit you."

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