Chapter 10

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My cheeks tinted with pink because of how close Chaos was to me, before a could say anything the door opened. Feeling the warmth from Chaos faded and I took a breath of relief.

The door slowly creaked open as a jump into Chaos while he was confused about the situation. A low, eerie voice from the small crack in the door started to say," Who goes there?"

I clutched Chaos even tighter.

"Hey there, this your house?", Chaos questioned but there was only silence," Well whatever, me and my buddy here need a place to stay? Care if we crash?" Chaos wraps his arms around my shoulders as the person behind the door starts to say," Well........" 


The door swung open it felt like the door almost came off it's hinges, behind the door revealed a man maybe around his 30s. The man had a more rounder figure and wore mediocre clothes, he seem happy to see strangers, even though we look like we just came out of an alleyway.

"Come in, come in!" The man hurried us inside while both of us was still confused.

"Darling! We have guests!" The man yelled through out the house.

Me and Chaos looked at each other confused then a women came down some steps. "Oh! Darling do be careful!" The women said.

"Look at them they're scared out of their mind", The lady came over to where we were standing. "Sorry about my husband, we don't get much people around here.", She spoke softly. 

"I'll prepare dinner, you guys must be hungry", The woman said while walking over to the other room. "I'll show you to the living room, come follow me", The man spoke leading me and Chaos over to a separate room.  Walking in the room I saw many variations of browns and tans making the room feel cozy, on the left I saw a brown fabric couch and to the right there was a T.V.

Chaos ran past me and the man and leaped onto to the couch. "Chaos! Have more respect!", I scolded him while the man just laughed. I walked over to the now mess up couch, Chaos's body was spread across the couch making it hard for other to sit. "Scoot over", I said but he did not move at all he only smirked at me.

Annoyed with Chaos's childish antics, I ended up sit on the patterned rug in front the couch. The man on the other hand had taken a seat in a chair set to the side, "Oh! I've gotten so excited I've forgotten to introduce myself!" The man clapped his hands together, "The name's James nice to meet you! And my wife's name is Mara".

"Nice to meet you James!" I replied with the same energy, "My name is-".

Before I would speak another interrupted me "Oh! My name's Chaos, Happy Chaos, don't you forget it now~" The oh so great Chaos said while sitting upside down on the couch.

James chuckled at our introductions,"You know, you guys remind me of a young couple".



"I meannn-" insert smug face emoji 

"Chaos, shut the fu-"

"DINNER IS READY!" We heard a young woman yell.

(Timeskip to da dinner table)

The dinner table had neatly arranged cloths and silverware. What was served was a classic salad and grilled chicken.

(A/n: if don't like salad and grilled chicken then just replace with something else)

These there was two types of people at the dinner table:

One was the people who ate respectfully and quietly and the other would be people act like they never eaten in their life, and when I mean by people I mean Chaos.

Of course I was hungry but not hungry enough to act like beast at the table.

 "Chaos! For the love of god! Eat like normal person", I yelled at him, he stopped eat and looked at me and smirked again, then he continued eating.

Deep breaths, calm down, you can't kill him because he is vital to the story.

It's like he knows I'm getting frustrated, and he's enjoying it.

"Hey, is it alright if we stay here for a bit?" I asked ignoring Chaos's table manners.

"Of course Dear! This place used to be a inn but people stopped coming", Mara said, "Stay as long as need!".


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