Chapter 6

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I opened up my eyes to see a clear blue sky.

Where am I?

I asked the question but no none replied. I raised my hand up to the sky, trying to grasp sun hoping it could give me a answer,  I stood from my spot from where I laid and focused my eyes on the horizon. All I could see was trees and mountains in the distance. 

This place

It felt so peaceful.  

The feeling of peace and quietness was uncommon only because my Danger Sense would keep me up at night. It felt too good to be true.

I laid back into the grass feeling the soft blades of grass on my body. I started laughing to myself, this all felt like a joke.

Sometimes I wish I never woke up.


"Hey! Wake up!" I heard a nagging voice say "Idiot, Wake up! We're here".

My eyes started open letting the bright sun blind my eyes. "Ahh!, so bright!", I groaned. The person trying to wake me up sighed and started to carry me out of the car. After my eyes adjusted to the sun's rays, I looked up to see that Chaos was the one holding me. I flushed in embarrassment, as Chaos dropped me on the ground.  

I snapped out of my embarrassment "Ow, Man!", I yelled while clutching my bruised arm. "You'll be fine", He said as he started to walk ahead of me "Hey! Wait for me!" 

I zoned out while me and Chaos were walking to somewhere....

"Hey Chaos, where are we going?" I asked "Somewhere", he blankly says.

"Thanks Chaos, that helps a lot", I sarcastically say. It was silent for a while until Chaos finally answered my question "We're going to the White House to pay an old friend of mind a visit".

Oh, that's cool......  

 Wait did he say White House 

As in THE White House

"Yes, THE White House", he said.

 Wait.. did he read my mind?!

"No and Yes", He replied

Before I was able to reply he started talking again "How do you think I'll look in dress?" After he said that he turned to me.


"Just kidding", he turned around laughing to himself "You think wayy too much".

And you think too little

"I know", he said.

I flinched when I felt my Danger Sense being triggered then I heard someone say "Stop right there! State your businesses!" I hid behind Chaos because there was no way I was going to jail anytime soon. I was prepared for Chaos to be shot by the man but nothing was heard, assuming it was safe I slowly peaked my head over to where the armed man was. Instead of finding the man dead on the floor I saw a man wearing a bunny head with the words 'I Love You' printed on their for head.

"Don't worry he won't attack you, unless I say so", Chaos said with a chuckle, he continued walking in the direction was going from the beginning but with the bunny man right behind him.

After I recovered from shock I ran beside him still cautious of the bunny man. 

THE BUNNY DUMMIES HAS JOINED THE FRAY (Will be in the next chapter too)

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THE BUNNY DUMMIES HAS JOINED THE FRAY (Will be in the next chapter too)

Cuz I'm happy (Happy Chaos x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant