Chapter 1 (Rewrite)

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I stepped out of the taxi, stretching my limbs. "Ah! It's good to be home!" Oh, I should probably introduce myself before I get comfortable. Hello there! I'm you. Yes, you heard me right I'm you. Your name is mine and so is your last name. Your face, your eyes, every feature you have, basically my point is that I look just like you and therefore I'm you. After all this is what's this story's about You and another character! My author had given me the job to introduce You into the story, and I will do so. 

I always loved living here it was so peaceful and nice, it was like this place was made for me. I started to walk along the side walk rolling my suitcase along with me. Soon I walked past stands which people stood selling various items to people, I happened to stop by a cookie booth and bought a couple cookies, for no reason at all. After buying the cookies, I started walking back in the side walk again.   

As I walked along the side walk I stared to feel like something was wrong, or something bad was going to happen, I could shake this feeling off. I walked past more people and more stands, it felt so repetitive it almost made me sick. Finally, I spotted something out of the ordinary, I saw a man with long golden blonde hair which was tied with a bandanna and wore a flannel jacket with some basic navy jeans. 

The man who was unusually dressed and was obviously standing out to the rest of the people here, he was talking to a man at a booth. One of my abilities was not super hearing so I had to rely on their reactions to their conversation, and looking at them their talk seemed normal.

There are some draw backs that come with one of my abilities, one of them being overly cautious about every little thing. So, I'm pretty sure, maybe that there's nothing horrible is going to happen.

'Yeah, I'm sure that is triggering my danger sense' 

I start to walk away

'Everything is alright'

That was my last thought before everything froze

It was like my time

Was froze still

(Axl Low: one of my favorite characters (o^^o))

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(Axl Low: one of my favorite characters (o^^o))

See you later, Space Cowboy

(A/n: I'm sorry I had to)

Cuz I'm happy (Happy Chaos x reader)Where stories live. Discover now