Speakers: help to create sounds so you have something to amplify

Padded gloves: makes claps louder

Soundproof headphones: so his allies don't go deaf

Mask: A mask that lets him "talk" by recording noises and playing them kinda like bumble bee. It also has soundproof ear pads attached to help with his bat ears


You walk out of a dark tunnel with the rest of the class as the sunlight gleams onto all of your costumes causing a dramatic reveal whether intentional or not. You scan around looking at everyone's costume until you see Jiro who's wearing a black leather jacket over a pink shirt, A pair of boots that look like amps, and a pear of headphones. You unintentionally start to stare. She looks back at you causing you to blush a little and look away as she walks over.

Jiro:"hey (y/n) nice costume"

You push a button on your mask and you hear a robotic voice say the words "thank you" causing Jiro to laugh a little as she goes to say something but is cut off by Allmight. Allmight takes out a note card which he starts reading off to the class.

Allmight: "Today we will be doing combat trials. Each round will consist of two teams of two one of which will be the villains who before the match starts will pick a place for their bomb to be placed then once the round starts it is your job to protect said bomb until the time runs out. It is the hero's job to either restrain the villains or to defuse the bomb by touching it." He then throws the notecard over his shoulder "now let's pick some teams"

You don't really pay attention to whose with who as you wait to hear your name get called and eventually it does as you find out you'll be paired with Tokoyami. After all of the groups have been decided all might pulls a letter from a box labeled villain as well as pulling a letter from a box labeled hero to decide who will be going first.

Allmight:"looks like it will be Midoriya and Ururaka as the heroes versus Bakugo and Iida as the villians!! Know you four stay out here and everyone else, to the observation room!!!"

He says pointing ahead and walking away.


You walk into the observation room and see hundreds of screens hung up on the wall each one looking at a different part of the fake city. As you stand their in awe Tokoyami walks up to you.

Tokoyami: "so it seems we'll be working together"

He says silently scanning you

Tokoyami: "pardon me if you find this rude but I feel as if we're working together then we should both understand each others quirks, correct?"

You nod your head and press a button on your mask causing the word "noise" to play in a robotic voice. You then click another button play the word "big" from the speaker built into the Mask. Tokoyami looks at you confused for a second trying to figure out what "noise big" means until he eventually outs it together.

Tokoyami: "so you can amplify sounds"

You nod your head and then point at him in an attempt to tell him its his turn to explain his quirk.

Tokoyami: "I can summon a shadow creature that I can use to attack people"

???:"and that'd be me"

A strange shadowy creature with glowing yellow eyes pops out from Tokoyami's cloak and puts its thumb against its chest to point to itself. You look at Tokoyami confused.

Tokoyami:"this is dark shadow he's my quirk"

You still don't fully get it but no time to explain any further because the first battle trial is starting. You watch as Midoriya and Bakugo fight against each other glad there's no sound because of the frequent use of explosions. Eventually the match ends with the heroes winning and after a few more rounds it was you and Tokoyami's turn and you'd be going up against Kirishima and some tape guy who's name you learned is Sero you as the heroes and them as the villains.

Allmight: "Begin!"

You slightly wince at the sound of Allmight's booming voice over the speaker as you and Tokoyami run into the building you stop at a split path and use your super hearing to figure out where Kirishima and Seto hid the bomb. You gesture to Tokoyami that there on the third floor as you both run towards the stairs making your way to the second and then third floor stopping infront of the door of the room where the bomb is hidden. Tokoyami looks over at you and you nod your head. He kicks down the door and you run in as he unleashs darkshakdow, Sero braces for the oncoming attack while Kirishima runs head in turning his skin rock hard as he charges you, you dodge out of the way and snap your fingers at him sending a shockwave of sound which stuns him causing him to deactivate his quirk as dark shadow charges grabbing him by the arm and throwing him at Sero who dodges out of the way. Dark shadow then charges him but drops to the ground as he gets restrained by Sero's tape. You look up form dark shadow's body laying on the ground and see a strand of tape coming towards you. You quickly roll out of the way and run towards Sero as he recoils his last starnd of tape and then throws another at you which you dodge out of the way of and cock your fist back for a punch which connects straight with Sero's face knocking him backwards and staggering him. You use this as an opportunity as you run pinning him to the ground and wrapping the white restraining tape you were given around his hands taking him out of battle quickly running over to the Kirishima and doing the same.

Allmight:"the heroes win!"

You slightly recoil at Allmight yelling over the speakers.

Sero:"oh come on!"

He says trying to break out of the tape

Kirishima:"dang can't believe we lost that easy "

You slightly jump as you hear what you thought was a unconscious Kirishima say this

Dark shadow:"easiest fight ever"

He says as he finally breaks free from Sero's tape. Tokoyami walks into the room and helps Sero out of the tape you'd put around his wrists. You go to help Kirishima just for him to use his quirk to cut through the tape and then stand up.

Kirishima:"well good game I guess"

He says smiling and putting his hand out. You smile back at him and shake his hand.


After changing back into your school uniform and grabbing your backpack you start to head out of the school until you hear someone yell from behind you

???:"(y/n) wait up!"

You look behind you and see Echo running over to you

Echo:"so how was school"

She says as she ruffles your hair and. You pull out your phone and start typing something out when you here another person say your name you look behind and see that it's Jiro.

Jiro:"(y/n) I was wondering where you went. That was pretty cool what you did back at the combat trials."

You start to blush a little at the compliment and then you remember Echo's still here.

Echo:"oh you must be one of (y/n)'s classmates nice to meet you"

She says holding her hand out

Jiro:"and you are?"

She says as she awkwardly shakes Echo's hand

Echo:"I'm Echo (y/n)'s big sister"

She says as she playfully wraps her arm around your neck.

Jiro:"oh uh nice to meet you I'm Jiro"

Echo:"nice to meet you to Jiro"

Jiro:"well um see ya tomorrow (y/n)" 

She says awkwardly waving and walking away. You wave back still slightly blushing.

Echo:"well well well looks like little (y/n) has a crush on someone"

She says teasing you. You jokingly punch her in the arm as you send her a text telling her to shut up as the two of you make your way back home.


Silent Symphony (Kyoka Jiro x mute male reader)Where stories live. Discover now