" What happened to your face?" Papa asked.

" I had a little work done, it was a two for one offer." Copia replied, he motioned his hand towards his motherly figure. " Sister got some work done too, she's a new woman."

" Sister looks good, but it looks like you've been stung by a Bee." Papa said.

" Albany said that too, but the swelling went down." Copia said, he glanced at his lover. " But it looks good now, better than a few months ago."

" I think you look rather peculiar." Papa said, his speaking tone was harsh while his eyes narrowed. " You remind me of that dough boy from the television adverts. The Pillsbury Doughboy."

" That's a little rude..." Copia said.

" Oh Papa!" Sister sighed.

" It's not my fault if he looks like a puffed pastry!" Papa said.

" Don't be mean, Papa!" Albany said.

" I didn't ask for your opinion, Albany." Papa said.

" Now that was uncalled for Pops!" Copia said.

" And another thing, don't you ever touch my Daughter again!" Papa said, he scowled at his prodigy while his see-through fist bannged against the tabletop. " I saw you in the hallway, your grubby hands all over her! Stay away from her, she's too good for the likes of you!"

" Enough,  Papa!" Sister said.

Sister Imperator slammed her hands down on the tabletop while she got to her feet, her little outburst had startled everyone around the table. Her gaze wondered between the old and the newest Papa, she didn't look too pleased with their little ongoing argument. Albany glanced at Copia and then at her Father, she hadn't released that he had seen her lover comforting her in the hallway after her little scare. Sister's voice was soon heard again, her gaze fell upon her little Cardi.

" I think it's time we left Papa Nihil with Albany, they need to discuss a couple of things." Sister said, her gaze wandered between the people around the table. " We also have things to discuss, the North American tour begins this month."

" Okay, cool." Copia said.

Copia glanced at his lover before he got to his feet, he seemed hesitant to leave her alone with the elderly phantasm. But he had no other choice, his company was needed elsewhere. Abany watched Sister and Copia leave, she didn't want them to leave her alone with her ghostly Father. The room became silent, her gaze fell upon her coffee cup. She didn't know what to say or do, but the clearing of her Father's throat caught her attention. Their gaze met, his features had changed. He looked more sincere and approachable, his voice was calm.

" Are you going to speak with me?" He asked.

" Of course, Papa." She said, her hands wrapped around her coffee cup. " How have you been? Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that..."

" It's fine, little one." He said while he waved his hand in dismissal. " I understand, this isn't a normal situation. I'm still trying to get use to being back myself."

" I'm not dreaming am I?" She asked.

" No." He replied.

" Why are you back, Papa?" She asked, her words were filled with curiosity. " Did the Clergy always plan this? I mean bringing you back after your death, did they ever saying anything to you about it when you were alive? What have they said to you exactly?"

" Apparently I have unfinished business at this Ministry, but I'm unaware what that is right now." He replied.

" I see." She said.

The Ministry Child: PhantomimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora