Papa Nihil

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Chapter Sixteen!

Papa Nihil

1st of Januaury 2022- The Los Angeles Ministry  

After the spooky events that had happened in the kitchen Sister Imperator had informed Copia and Albany about the Clergy's decision to bring the former elderly Papa back from beyond the grave. Papa Nihil had been summoned back from the dead, but it was still unclear why he had really returned. The Clergy had decided that the deceased Papa still had unfinished business within the Ministry, they had ideas for the future tours with the newest Papa Emeritus.

Albany was sitting at the kitchen table, she was still trying to figure out what had happened not long ago. She was confused and upset, the months of grieving for her Father had resurfaced. It was a shock to her system, she couldn't understand why the Clergy had summoned him back to the unholy church without even discussing it with her first. Her thoughts were disturbed by someone placing a hot cup of coffee down in front of her, the scent of mini pasties filled her nostrils. Albany's gaze was met by a loving pair of mismatched eyes, her lover had been told to look after her by Sister while she spoke with the former Papa in private. She slightly smiled when Copia sat down on the chair beside her, he glanced around the room before he caressed her shoulder. Copia was trying his best to comfort his lover, he understood that she wasn't coping too well with Papa Nihil's recent resurrection. Copia himself was uncomfortable with the new arrival, he had concerns about his future at the Ministry. His voice was soon heard, his speaking tone was soothing and soft.

" Are you okay, baby?" He asked.

" I'm still a little shook up." She replied while her hands curled around her cup. " I did just see my Father's spirit, right?" 

" You did, sadly..." He replied.

" What's going on?" She asked.

" I don't know, this is the first time I've heard about the old guy coming back from the dead." He said, his gaze was sincere. " If I knew about what the Clergy were planning I would have told you about it, this is surprising news for me too!"

" What's going to happen next?" She asked, her gaze lowered towards her coffee cup. " Do the Clergy plan to bring my Brothers back next? I don't think I could cope if they did that, it would be dreadful!"

" I don't know, but try and eat something." He said.

" I don't know if I can stomach breakfast right now..." She said.

" Just eat one, they're very good." He said before he caressed her cheek. " You'll feel better, do it for me. Just a little bite, one tiny nibble for my rats."

" Okay, just a little nibble." She said.

Copia softly kissed her forehead before he sat up straight in his seat, he was nervous in case they were being watched. Albany's gaze focused on the plate of mini pasteries, she took one of the breakfast treats and tore it apart with her fingers. The scent of strawberry and doughy goodness filled her nostrils, she popped a piece of it into her mouth. The mini pasteries were delicious and warm, but it didn't stop her pondering about her Father's return. Footsteps entering the kitchen caught their attention, their superior's voice was soon heard.

" Alright, let's get down to business." Sister said.

Sister Imperator and Papa Nihil soon joined them at the kitchen table, the silence of the room was deafing. Albany looked over at her Father while she popped the last piece of pastry into her mouth, she was surprised to learn that spirits could sit on chairs without falling through them. Their gaze met for a few seconds, his features were grumpy. He made no effort to acknowledge his child, his gaze was focused on his prodigy. Her gaze wandered between Sister and Copia, the atmosphere was awkward. Papa Nihil was eyeing up the newsest Papa Emeritus, he had a puzzled expression on his face. His voice disturbed the silence of the room, their was curiosity in his words.

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