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This was a bit scary. So, I was eating, and then we saw a coyote just walking around in our backyard like he owned the place. Our two dogs were sleeping then, so they didn't chase it away.

Then, a few seconds later, there were four of them! Four coyotes, standing on the hill in our backyard. They were huge, so they may have been coywolves- and that would suck, because they would eat our cats. We've already lost a few to coyotes, but coywolves? In broad daylight. They're getting a little too sure of themselves if you ask me. It was a bit scary because we have three cats that like to hang out there, and two kittens who adventure just a bit too much. I hope that all of them stay safe.

There are getting to be a lot more animals around where we live, and I'm not sure if that's good or bad.

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