Chapter 15 'Eternity'

Start from the beginning

Makima: "You didn't, (Y/n)." [Sighs] "I'm sorry if I made you think that. I'm just a little focused elsewhere right now."

(Y/n): "On the devil causing this?"

Makima: "You could say as much..."

(Y/n): "Speaking of which, I still don't understand why you're not telling the others about the situation with the Eternity Devil."

It was at that moment that Makima's smile wavered. A serious demeanour taking her face as she turned to look at me. Causing all movement from to stop instantly.

Makima: "I already told you, them knowing would only make things worse."

(Y/n): "But if this situation is bad. Shouldn't they have a right to know? They're in the same environment as us."

Makima: "And they'd only screw it up...That's the only thing humans are good at."

(Y/n): "Only thing humans are good for? Makima, you know how that sounds, right?"

Makima: "I know that it sounds like the truth."

Her words were quick, and without falter. Her eyes snapping back to me abruptly as she said them. When I saw the cold nature that surrounded her pupils, my entire body froze. Even so, I didn't let the fear hold me back from talking, as much as I didn't want too.

(Y/n): "Is that really what you think? That all humans are good for is hatred? Gee, thanks. I guess it's a good thing to know you think I hate everything..."

A simple drop of my followed instantly. As it did, Makima seemed to realize the error of her ways. Or, at least, a version of it.

Makima: "N-No. (Y/n), I...I didn't mean you. I--"

(Y/n): "You know, I hear that devils aren't exactly fond of humans. So you saying that must either mean you're a devil--"

Makima's body froze.

(Y/n): "...Or whatever is going on inside that head of yours is far worse than I originally thought."

As I said these words, I finally lifted my head once more. In doing so, I was greeted by a look of guilt that wavered over Makima's face. The cold tone in her eyes was now gone, replaced with the sense of innocence that I so often saw. I knew, as soon as the words escaped Makima's mouth earlier, that it sounded like a sense of hatred for humans. Which, I could understand to a degree. 

After all, Makima's life had been filled with hatred for people. So I couldn't wrong her in that assumption. But the way she said it before, seemingly disregarding me, it was hurtful. Even so, I knew that whatever feelings Makima felt, they were built off a ground of fear. And I never wanted Makima to be afraid. So, I went to fix it. And I started off by holding her hand tighter, bringing her closer to my side as all movement from us came to a stop.

(Y/n): "Makima, you know I'm here for you if you need to talk? I'm here to listen. That's why I'm pushing this subject, okay? Because I don't want to see you like this."

Makima: "I...I already told you, (Y/n). I'm fine. Really."

(Y/n): "Really?"

Makima: "Yes! I'm fine! Besides, even if I wasn't. It wouldn't matter. We don't have time to waste!"

It was clear Makima didn't want any of this to move forward. Hence why, before she even finished speaking, she had already made the move to pull her hand from my own and step passed me. However, I wouldn't let that happen. Gently I reached out to grab her arm. The sight, whilst not violent by any means, seemed more than enough to stop the progress of everyone else. Who saw the sight in front of them and froze in complete silence. But me, my attention never left Makima. Who now looked at me with a mix of anger, annoyance, and uncertainty.

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