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I just started a new year of high school.( More like a few months ago but what ever. )I have already been having the worst year. It all starts off before school starts at drill camp. I'm trying my best to get there and I'm late.( Dance starts at 8:00am and ends at 4:00pm ) I was there right at 8:00 but the dance teacher still yelled at me for being late because she wants us to be there at least by 7:45. I slept in that morning accidentally because of the running we have to do. I'm was so exhausted. I was very sore and I would wake up tight. It wasn't the greatest for me. The dance couch yells at me, and i'm not in a good mental state so I tear a little but I sucked it up and keep on with the day. Later that day I went to band camp and I sit back against the lockers tired with a headache and a girl on drill walks past the locker room and with her bossy self goes " Sunny you should be outside already. Your a flute and it takes less time to set it up " She left. I was mad. I was not in a good state. My headache was terrible and that was that.

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