The Normals

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It was just another day in the squadroom. Everyone was doing paperwork.

"I'm so tired." Said Liv ruffling her hair back her curls loose

El looked up at her taking in how beautiful her & her natural looks were.

"What?" Asked Liv


The last past days Elliot's been finding it more & more harder to keep his eyes off of her, now that he & Kathy might officially be getting over each other & divorcing.

Captain Cragen came out of his office "Alright everyone, it's late. I'll see you all in the morning!"

"Night cap." Said Fin
"Try not letting 'Big Brother' watch you as you sleep." Outed Munch

Elliot chuckled
Liv just shook her head

"You ready?" Asked El to Liv
"Yeah" she said grabbing her purse from her desk

Elliot always had drove her home every since that first day in 1999

They both walked & rode in the elevator in silence

Cragen just shook his head at how oblivious two people could be to know that they loved each other so much

Outside Liv's apartment
"Night Liv. Don't let the bed bugs bite." Smirked Elliot

"Night El." Playfully rolling her eyes at him. Slamming his door.

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