The arrival.

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On the long road to the College for her second semester Lain serenity goes into a remote town sign that says welcome to Wired Hill as she drove by it, Town looks very old and with old telephone poles that gives off a strange buzzing and when she least expected her car started to break down as close to the first set of buildings.

Lain:No No No oh please No.

Line pulled out her phone but can't get reception somehow found a nearby pay phone to call a tow that I arrived a few minutes later and gets a ride to the auto mechanic.

The Auto mechanic

The mechanic: It doesn't look to bad may take a few days to get the need parts hope your not in a rush on where you are going.

Lain: My second semester we'll start in over a month from now and the road I normally take is getting some work done could take a year and a half which is why I'm passing through here.

The mechanic: well we only have land internet due to the electrical interference that the clouds above seems to be causing the internet cafe if you want to email those that would be worried if you'll be late.

Lain:Thank for the informant... Earl.

Earl: It around the corner of the lane third building down on your right open till 11:00 p.m.

Lain look at her phone clock and see that she got time good thing she left the first thing in the morning.

On the way over she see that the buildings look very old'90s simply and that the sky above looks very unpleasant like someone above was very unhappy with her being in the town and the telephone Paul wires gave off a strange Buzz and she sees the internet cafe Earl talked about the sign that reeds Ciberia.

Lain: That just cheesy.

Then she walked into the cafe to do what she needs to do.

Ciberia Internet cafe

When she enter the cafe it so Neon lit and cheesy with all the seamlessly '90s lingo.

Lain: oh my head it's like being back in my old town where no one comes out of their Rock.

Then Lain seize the computer she needs to send her email as she sits down and gets to work on it.



Subject: stranded

Car broke down in a weird town but will be out of here in a few day hope to hear from you soon.


Lain: Don't know if she will respond but she's the only one that gets me and not have a mind go blank.

Then Lain see while getting up is what seem to be some kind of spray tag that looks very strange.

Lain: is that a gage tag?

When Lain took a closer look at it and it seem to be more medieval.

Lain: does this town have a cult, Chef now of those things in a town like this.

Then Lain bought it on her left was what looks like stairs that goes downwards with a neon sign that says above the entry VR layer.

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