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Chapter 4


"Where the hell are we...?" Y/n rubbed her eyes tiredly as Gojo shook her awake. Looking out the window her brows furrowed in confusion at the creepy looking building, surrounding it were old looking homes. But the area was dead, a word she never associated with city life--wait, this couldn't be Roppongi?? 

The car had halted, completely still, enforcing that they had in fact arrived at their destination much to her dismay. 

"This can't be Roppongi." She deadpanned, hearing the sound of a muffled laugh she glanced over at her senior to see his pale cheeks puffed out. Struggling to suppress his laughter his shoulders shook slightly, he had to look away from the girl; the dreaded expression on her face was going to break him. "Um, excuse me. Where are we?" Leaning forward toward the driver Y/n asked in a small voice, twisted with confusion. 

"Hm?" The driver, and older man with shaggy dark hair and a greying beard looked up at the girl from the rear view mirror. "Roppongi." He relayed the information as if it were obvious, Y/n deflated back into her seat. 

"Are you sure--?"

"Ignore her she's new around here." Gojo spoke through his contained laughter, opening the door he stepped out and immediately stretched his arms out over his head. Along with it a groan pushed past his lips. 

Thanking the driver, Y/n then reluctantly got out of the car. Looking up at the tall building a chill went down her spine, a sinister feeling settling in her stomach. 

"What's up with this place...It's so creepy." She instinctively wrapped her arms around herself, a sense discomfort screaming from her body language. 

"That would be the curse." Satoru informed, unlike Y/n his posture was much more lax, hands stuffed in his pockets. "Theres a cemetery plus an abandoned building, attracts curses." 

Y/n turned her attention towards her senior, wondering if their was a way to back out. But then she remembered backing out would mean going back home, and there was no way she'd be going back there on her own accord. 

Gulping, Y/n nodded her head. 

"Let's just get this over with." She tried to mask her nerves with fake confidence, taking a bold stride towards the doors. Amused, Gojo followed closely behind her through the doors. 

"Remember, you're the one taking the lead here, I'm just here to make sure you don't die." Satoru spoke in a cheery tone, looking everywhere but forward as he walked he was taken aback when his infinity suddenly came in contact with his kouhai. 

Halting her steps she turned around to face Gojo, looking up at him with a perplexed expression.

"No!? You're the one who's supposed to be taking the lead, I'm supposed to like--shadow you!" She flailed her arms dramatically, fear striking her wide e/c eyes. 

"If you got into this school you'll be fine." Satoru raised his brows in surprise, not understanding what the big deal was. The cursed energy seeping from the curse standing behind Y/n was faint, he knew they were dealing with low ranking curses. There was no reason to freak out, at least in his opinion. 

"Don't worry, your senpai will make sure nothing bad happens." He grinned while placing hand on top of her head which she rudely swatted away while mumbling curses. 

Sighing in disappointment she turned to continue her trek forward in the dingy buildin---


An ear piercing scream erupted from the small teen, who instinctively backed up into her senior who was laughing his ass off. 

Standing in front of her was a curse standing around 8 Feet tall on multiple legs, taking the wretched form of what could be best described as a hybrid between roach and human. It raised it's claw-like arms to strike, as it swung Y/n clumsily dropped down onto her butt while Satoru stood still with a confident smirk-- the curse striking his infinity barrier. 

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