chapter 3: the resolve part 1

Start from the beginning

Silver wolf: y/n have you seen my jacket laying down anywhere ?

As y/n was seen in the living room seating down at the dinning table with clara

Y/n: hmm ohh, yesterday night as you passed out, I took your jacket off your body since it looks stuffy when you sleep and hung it on a coat rack. I swear I didn't do anything else indecent

Silver Wolf responded with a teasing and somewhat playful tone, concealing her blush as best as she could.

Silver Wolf: (teasingly) Chill, I won't be accusing you of any indecent acts on my body. I'm not that naive. I just wanted to know where my jacket is, that's all

Clara sat at the table, her small frame barely visible over the spread of food Y/n had prepared. She munched on a mouthful of pancake, her wide eyes sparkling with curiosity and innocence. With a mouthful of food, she managed to ask the question on her mind.

Clara: (innocently) Say big brother, what does indecent mean?

Y/n: PFFFT...

Clara's abrupt question caught y/n off guard when y/n was taking a sip of his tea.

Y/n: ( do I explain this to Clara so that it won't ruin her childhood thought? Am I even fit enough to be telling her about adult topics... Calm down, Y/n, you got this just to make up a pure explanation for her to understand.)

Y/n knew he had to provide a simple explanation while maintaining the innocence of Clara's childhood. He decided to make up a definition that was both light-hearted and pure.

Y/n: You see, Clara, "in-de-cent" is a grown-up word that means... um, it means "being silly" or "making funny jokes" that only adults understand. So, sometimes when you hear this word, it's like a secret code for grown-ups to tell jokes, but you shouldn't use it in public because people might not understand, and it's always best to use simple words when talking to others, especially when you're outside.

Clara: (giggling) Okay, big brother! I won't use that word in public. I don't want to be indecent!

Y/n: (relieved) That's my smart little sister. You're growing up so well.

Y/n's sigh was filled with relief as he noticed Silver Wolf approaching the dining table, her expression revealing a playful glint in her eye. She had observed the challenging task he'd undertaken, attempting to come up with a simplified definition for "indecent" that would be suitable for Clara's young ears.

Silver Wolf leaned in slightly, her playful grin still intact as she whispered to Y/n, ensuring Clara wouldn't overhear her teasing tone.

Silver Wolf: (whispering) Well, well, Y/n, trying to define "indecent" to a child?In a tight spot I knew it, you would have potential to seize a complicated work beside fighting as well ,your skill will come handy to the group.

Y/n: stop patronising me!

As they finished their breakfast, Y/n decided to discuss something important with Silver Wolf, so he turned to Clara with a gentle smile.

Y/n: Clara, would you like to visit Rivet Town today? Svorg can accompany you, and you can play with the other children there while helping me get some groceries. It will be a fun outing for you, and I know you enjoy spending time with the orphans.

Clara's eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect of visiting Rivet Town and playing with her friends. She nodded enthusiastically.

Clara: Yes, big brother! I'd love to go to Rivet Town. Svorg and I can have lots of fun there, and I can help you with the groceries!

In the end it is all a game ( silver wolf X reader)Where stories live. Discover now