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This time I was feeling well rested and a lot better. I was inside the bathrooms with Jo, Zoey and Anne Maria. We were getting ready for the day. "Jeez, what's with the hair? Looks like Princess Leia lost a scissor fight" Anne Maria scoffed. "I like Zoey's hair. And Princess Leia is awesome" I said to her. But she ignored me and proceeded to put on her hairspray.

Y/N confessional:

"Anne Maria is starting to Annoy me. She's so rude to Zoey! And she's always kissing Mike! Like I know Vito is fronting and all but it's still hard to see" then I realized that this was international TV.

"I WANT THE TAPE. GIVE. ME. THE. TAPE! How do you open this thing?"

End of confessional

Once Anne Maria's hairspray was done I took my hairbrush out. "or you could just brush it? And avoid drowning us In chemicals?" I asked as I brushed my hair. "I'll pass on the frilly girly hair care thank you" Jo said as she started to shave her hair! Me, Zoey and Anne Maria shared a look.

"IT'S CHALLENGE TIME! Campers Meet me on the other side of the island!"

I sat next to Zoey and Mike sat next to me. "Hey Y/N, I really like your hair" he smiled. "oh Thanks-" "let me guess, your character Vito likes Anne Maria's hair as well?" Zoey scoffed. "Yeah...Thanks Mike" I smiled as I slightly blushed. I think Zoey noticed and folded her arms.

Zoey Confessional:

"He's either into me, or Anne Maria! Don't throw Y/N into the mix God Pick a side!"

End of confessional

Chris flew in using a jetpack and he was wearing something very weird. "Welcome to your challenge! The weird and wild fashion spectacular" he announced. "Fashion! Now you're talking" Anne Maria yelled. "Ugh fashion. Waste of time" Jo scoffed as Anne Maria and Jo got into an argument. "Welp I'm going to be useless" I mumbled. "ZIP IT! You won't be walking the catwalk, no no no no. No amount of fashion can help you people" Chris laughed. "Here's how it's gonna work. Each team gets a wardrobe of clothes, a makeup kit and 10 minutes to dress and make up a model. Which you'll send down the runway to be judged by myself, Chef and today's total drama classic competitor Lindsay!" He announced as Lindsay appeared out of a shut suitcase. "Yay! Don't you just love my new special fashion judgy shoes?" She asked excitedly. "Wow! We get to dress an actual model!" Zoey smiled. "Uh-huh. Right after you catch one" Chris smiled. "Catch one? How do you catch a model?" I asked "did I say human models? Don't think so, no your models are in there!" He yelled as he pointed towards the Forrest. "They're wild, they're mutated and like me despise teenagers. Okay fashionistas! Go!" he yelled as he blew the airhorn.

We walked around trying to find something to dress but we were having no luck. And Mike found a teleporting frog and he ended up falling! I managed to catch him though. "Thanks Y/N" he smiled as I put him down. "No problem, it's fair after all the times you saved me" I smiled back. After 5 minutes we still couldn't find anything. Until Cam found a Mutent Maggot, "it'd be a cinch to catch and dress, we could just slide it down the runway" Cam pointed out. "Killer idea bubbleboy" Jo agreed. "Alright Step aside and let me work this maggots gotta look banging." Anne Maria said as she walked towards the Maggot.

Once she was done it looked... interesting then the Maggot Threw up. "I agree with the Maggot" Mike said as Chris announced we had three minutes. "Mabye Me and Y/N could have a go" Zoey suggested. "I'll help where I can I guess" I smiled. Zoey did the dress and I did the wig. "There, what do you think?" I asked "too much? Too little? Be honest, unless you hate it" Zoey added. "Not Bad you two" Cam smiled. "It's not good either" Anne Maria scoffed. "ONE MINUTE!" Chris yelled "it's fine! We're not spending all day on this. Let's get back to Chris" Jo said.

The fashion show began and as Cam explained it we slid the Maggot down the runway. Zoey had picked out a cute red polkadot dress and I got a blonde wig. Anne Maria was narrating as our Maggot was walking down the runway. We got an 8.5 from Chris, an 8 from Chef and a 8.1 from Lindsay! So I'd say we did a good job! Then it was the rats turn. And they ran out being chased by a yeti wearing horizontal stripes! Then they Yeti got angry and kidnapped Lindsay!

We all stood at the Doc as Chris was figuring out how to get out of legal trouble of the Yeti eats Lindsay. "Hey! For our next challenge, the two teams will compete to rescue Lindsay!" He announced. "Yep that's it! Everyone grab a canoe and head to bony island!" He said as we ran to the canoes. When we arrived we all began running to find her. Me and Zoey where running together to try and find her when we heard Scott whining about something. We turned to face him. "Scott are you alright?" Zoey asked "this is all my fault!" He complained. "How is Lindsay being kidnapped by a Yeti your fault?" I asked "my team voted off Dawn behind my back and she's the only one who could've talked to that big ape" he cried. Zoey was comforting him but I didn't trust this.

Y/N Confesional:

"I'm not buying it. He was the one who exposed her! Why the heck would he not have voted Her after that! Wait. What if it was him that got Dawn off!"

End of confessional

We continued to run until we found the Yeti with Lindsay. She was comforting the Yeti? "What's with the scaffolding?" Scott asked. "I'm turning boney island into my private resort! The health department says it was unfit for human life but I sent in workers anyway. Hmm wonder where the went" "Don't hurt him! He just has big hairy body issues!" Lindsay yelled "I hear that" Jo mumbled. "Jo do you need to talk to someone?" I asked "I mean DID YOU HEAR THAT? he's got issues! We've gotta take the phyco yeti out!" Jo lied. Brick threw a clothing bomb at the yeti but that made it worse! "How are we gonna rescue Lindsay before they do?" Zoey asked "perhaps we could get someone prettier than Lindsay to lure the yeti away!" Cam suggested. "Oh hey I've got the goods but no way am I running up that junk pile in these shoes" Anne Maria said to us. I then felt some eyes on me. I looked at Mike, Zoey and Cam"Don't even look at me" I said. "Well I guess maybe I could try-" Before Zoey could finish Jo pushed her. "Maggots Break out the beauty products! I'm going in!" Jo announced.

Anne Maria and Zoey were doing Jo's makeup and I was just watching the work happening. "Hurry! Sam's making good time" Mike nervously said to us. "Hey Mike it'll be okay" I said reassuringly. He smiled but then looked back over and got stressed again. "Oh man we're never gonna-" then Chester started fronting. "Move for the love of Pete your not Painting the Sistine Chapel it's just makeup!" He yelled as he shoved them out the way and got the makeup stuff. "Just get some rouge on her and DONE! there." He said. She looked horrifying. "Woah what did you guys to do Jo?" Mike asked. "Mike, it wasn't us" I said nervously.

But when Jo got up there Lindsay and the Yeti started laughing at her. "What are you laughing at you big ape!" Jo yelled as she punched it off the platform! So we got immunity! And then Jo saw what Chester did to her and she started throwing barrels!
Luckily Mike survived Jo's wrath. And we're safe for another week. But we were asked to sit in on the emination. "I'll need a strong volunteer from each team" he said to us. Jo and Scott volunteered. They were swapping teams. Damn it! Scott sat next to me and Zoey "hello, teammates" he smirked to us. I looked very unsure. He was hiding something. I don't trust Scott.

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