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So Apparently Mike doesn't like Zoey!?! I'm so confused, Zoey is pretty, kind and I really thought those two would be together! But no! Mabye I'll have a chance. No! He was kissing Anne Maria. It's not me! Anyway I didn't get any sleep last night since I knew Chris would wake us up early. As I walked to breakfast I saw something. The invincibility statue! I picked it up and hid it immediately. I can't let anyone know I have this.

"Wow Y/N you look awful" Zoey said to Me. "Gee thanks" I replied. "Oh! I didn't mean it like that!"she said as she put het hand on my shoulder apologetically.  "It's fine" I replied as I tried to eat breakfast. "Zoey's right Y/N, did you get Any sleep?" Mike asked. "nope" I said as the speakers went off. "ATTENTION CAMPERS, BREAKFAST IS CUTTING INTO PRECIOUS TIME THAT YOU COULD SPEND GETTING INJURED GRAB YOUR SWIM SUITS AND MEET ME AT THE DOC, PRONTO!" He yelled. Then we were chased out by a giant Raccoon!!!!

"What is wrong with you! That thing could've killed us!" Jo yelled. "Nah, only if you got between him and food. Team rat, your still missing a player" Chris pointed out as Lightning ran out of the Canteen screaming.

"All right! Here to help us get today's competition underway, say hello to one of our classic competitors, Bridgette!" He announced, "let's get this over with. Remember my contract said demonstration only" she said to Chris. "Relax no Demo needed just chum the water with our intern Dekota and try not to get eaten" he said to her. "Challenge part one:

Each team must get a pair of water skis in an underwater mission or drown trying. One victim I mean camper will snag the skis in a old-school diving suit and float them to the surface while the rest of the team pumps them oxygen, first team to surface their skis wins and get an advantage in part two" he explained.

"Listen up maggots! I'm diving!" Jo yelled. "Hey! What are you saying? None of us can do it?" Anne Maria yelled as Jo proved Anne's point by putting the helmet on Cam. "Jo makes a solid point" Cam said. "Listen to chicken legs and get busy pumping air. And don't make me use my whistle" then Jo realized it was missing! Once the Rats decided who was diving we began! They both jumped into the water and began running.

Me, Anne Maria and Cam watched as Jo was running. I would be Pumping the air but I got no sleep and I was way to tired. Then I saw Zoey talking to Mike. But in doing so she was standing on the air! "Zoey-" she continued talking to Mike. I walked over "hey Zoey your kinda-" she continued to talk to Mike. "Hey! Get off the air hole bozo!" Anne yelled at Zoey while pushing her. "Don't push!" Zoey yelled back. as they were fighting I walked towards the air thing. Mike was just watching the argument so I took it into my own hands. Despite me being at the point where I could fall asleep at any given moment. But then Anne Maria pushed Zoey and ripped off Mike's shirt in the process! "Ladies, any fight? There's enough Candy for everybody. Candy being me" he smirked. I just ducked my head down and continued to pump air. Zoey looked so hurt. "I...I get the message"

Zoey confessional:

"If Mike didn't want to talk to me after he rejected me be could've just said so! He didn't have to use Anne Maria"

End of confessional

And then Team rats skis came up! Damnit! Once they won I walked down to the beach to see Zoey. "Hey Zo, you okay?" I asked "I just thought he would like me back but. You've seen him" he sighed. "Well like I said. He's not the only guy out there" I smiled. "I know..." She said sadly. "But how are you holding up?" She asked "don't worry about me, I'll try to get sleep tonight" I smiled.

"The Rats are the first to grab the water skis! Their reward? A McLean brand speedboat to use in part two of the challenge" he announced. "And for the maggots, a totally Leakey dingy" he smiled as we all complained. "Part two of the challenge! A death-defyinh water ski race! The goal? Be the first to ring the four bells on these four totally harmless buoys" he said as Bridgette swam her boat over and got blasted away! They were bombs. "Harmless huh?" I mumbled.

So the set up on the boat was Zoey driving, Jo gunning, Mike/Vito, Anne Maria, Cam and I were skiing. "So do I go on someone's shoulders or something-" suddenly Viyo picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "There ya go" he smirked as Chris sounded the airhorn. We began driving and Fang was right behind us! "Zoey! No pressure or anything BUT DRIVE FASTER!" I Yelled "IT DOESN'T GO ANY FASTER!" She yelled back. "I think princess goody goody is trying to savatooth us" Anne Maria said. "You mean sabotage?" Cam corrected. "Whatever Brainiac" Anne Maria scoffed. "Hey let's focus on the ginat mutent shark behind us!" I yelled "don't worry Babe I got this" he smirked at me. I looked at Anne Maria apologeticly as Vito punched the shark! We were win the lead for a brief moment. That brief moment ended when Scott shot the first bell and then they passed again. "We're loosing! What do we do!?!" Anne Maria yelled "what we need is a Olympian" Cam said. Then Svetlana was fronting! "It's time for Svetlana to get gymnastic!" She yelled. "It's time for Svetlana to perform the triple pike dismount!" "Hey Svetlana I'm still on top of YOU-" I screamed as she jumped! Welp we ended up getting the bell. But I am now terrified.

Y/N confesional:

"You know, Svetlana is amazing! But I prefer watching her stunts. Not being part of them!"

End of confessional

We managed to get past the rats and we were in the lead! But then we crashed after Jo's gun broke! "Nice driving. Red." Jo mocked. "Hey she tried her best! It's not her fault you screwed up with the gunning" I said. "I'm so sorry guys. LOOK! The last bell is over there!" Zoey said as she pointed towards the bell! Then Jo threw Cam towards the bell! Causing an explosion. And we won! "Well done Cam" I smiled teirdly. If I wasn't tired before then that would've done it.

I was sitting in my bunk bed searching for something. My invincibility statue was gone! gone missing. "Watcha looking for Y/N?" Zoey asked. "My books gone missing" I lied. "You should be trying to get sleep not searching for your-" "DAWN!" Someone yelled. We ran into the Rats Cabin to see that bin bag dawn had been carrying around was full of other peoples stuff. My immunity totem not included.

Not surprisingly Dawn was booteded out. I don't think she stole! How would she know I had the totem and is on the other team! So I believe her when she says she was framed. But by who?

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