Unexpected Rival

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"What?! Don't be ridiculous! I was still sleeping at 8 am!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

"I'm not being ridiculous. I literally saw you entering the inner sanctum and holding the icicle plate with my own eyes!" said the Froslass.

"Well?" said the Grachomp.

"Ummm...hehe... there seems to be a mistake, sir...I believe minister Yekaterina was seeing things...hehe..." said Lord Alexandrovich nervously.

"Let's just go to the inner sanctum..." said Latios.

Lord Alexandrovich, minister Latios and general Giraldo Westerling went to the inner sanctum and surprise, the icicle plate was not there.

"THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! WHO STOLE IT?!!!" screamed Lord Alexandrovich hysterically.

"The security system of this castle is weak...And you are to blame....'Lord' Alexandrovich" said Latios.

"Either someone stole it, or you are trying to hide the icicle plate from us you traitor!" said general Giraldo.

"I'm not being a traitor! Please, you have to believe me!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

Suddenly, a soldier came to the palace. It was lieutenant Yaroslav.

"Sir, the knights of Arcadius have escaped. They are no longer at fort Amol..." said the gallade.

"WHAT?!! BUT HOW?!!" yelled the mentally unstable beartic.

"A Weavile single handedly assaulted the fort, killed the guards and freed them all...my lord...I was lucky to have survived...." said the gallade.

After hearing that, Lord Alexandrovich had a mental breakdown. He yelled, cursed, and made manic sounds. He was both extremely angry and scared at the same time, angry because his soldiers failed him, and scared because he had failed the dragons after Drachenberg agreed to help him fight the separatist movement.

"Lord Alexandrovich...You are so far the most incompetent ally the dragons have ever had..." said Latios.

"That is right! You are an idiot! You are unable to carry out even the simplest task! What a disappointment!" said the garchomp.

"Look I'm sorry, okay?! Just give another chance! I'll recapture the knights and find out who stole the icicle plate!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

"There is no need to do that Lord Alexandrovich...." Said minister Latios.

"I won't disappoint you, I promise! Just give me some time!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

"You don't need to...your highness..." said minister Latios as he pulled out a dagger.

"Wait...NO! Don't kill me!" said Lord Alexandrovich.

Minister Latios threw the dagger and the dagger hit a kecleon who was camouflaging on the wall. The kecleon then collapsed, but he did not die. The Kecleon was one of princess Diana's spies.

"I knew it...A spy..." said minister Latios.

"How did you know that there is someone spying on us?!" asked the Beartic.

"Intuition, your highness...I'm half psychic type so I can sense the presence of invisible pokemon by listening to their thoughts..." said minister Latios.

The Kecleon tried to run, but the pain from the wound prevented him from running. Minister Latios then used his psychic power to hold him in place and began to read his mind. Then, after he was done, he used his psychic power to choke the kecleon to death. The scene was so sadistic that this made even general Giraldo scared of minister Latios for a brief moment.

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