Renard's Confession

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The shortest distance between Arcadius and Avangard could be travelled through Verrin, the poison type kingdom, and Ethurielle, the fairy type kingdom. However, these two kingdoms had been conquered by the dragons. Therefore, the retrievers of the icicle plate must take the long route through Aragona, the fire type kingdom, and Calen, the grass type kingdom. From there, they must go through Bladrid, the rock type kingdom, before they could reach the border of Avangard.

"According to my calculation, if we travel six hours a day, we will reach the border of Avangard in roughly one month." said Ryo as he looked at the map.

"I'm afraid your calculation is flawed Ryo..." said Alicia.

"Why so?" asked Ryo.

"You forget two things Ryo: blizzard and hailstorm. We cannot travel in a Blizzard or in a hailstorm. We have to find shelter in an inn for example, and wait until the blizzard is over. Blizzard or hail storm can last for days. That is why I think the quickest possible duration of our journey to the border of Avangard is about two months." Said Alicia.

"Right...I totally forgot about blizzards and hailstorms." Said Ryo.

"Then make it twelve hours a day!" said William.

"Are you sure? It is physically draining enough to walk in thick snow. I don't think we are able to walk 12 hours a day..." said Ryo.

"Well, what do you think Akira?" asked Brendan.

"We'll walk 6 hours a day. If we are too tired, we won't have enough stamina to fight off bandits..." said Akira.

"You are the boss, Akira. It's settled then. We will walk six hours a day." said Brendan.

The eight pokemon continued to travel. They did not face much challenge in Arcadius, Aragona, and Calen other than blizzards and some attacks by small groups of random bandits. Eventually, they reached the border between Avangard and Bladrid, the rock type kingdom. As they reached the border, a vicious hailstorm was raging, forcing them to take shelter in an inn.

"Come in, we have delicious foods and cozy beds!" said a Rhydon, who was the innkeeper.

"Thank you, sir," said Akira.

"Do you want to drink wine? The weather is getting too cold" said the Rhydon.

"No thanks, we are used to the cold..." said William.

"Do you want something to eat?" asked the Rhydon.

"Do you have any fish?" asked Akira.

"Just some magikarps and remoraids..." said the Rhydon.

"Good. How much do three grilled magikarps cost?" asked Akira.

"About 20 gold coins" said the Rhydon.

"Good. We'll have three grilled magikarps please..." said Akira.

"Sure..." said the innkeeper.

The 8 pokemon then gathered around the fireplace as the innkeeper was cooking.

"I still don't understand why this icicle plate is so important." Said William.

"Because we need it in order to revive Arceus from his slumber in the hall of origins. Icicle plates is one of Arceus' life plates. They are called life plates because they give life to Arceus. Without them, Arceus is powerless..." explained Ryo.

"Why do we need to revive Arceus?" asked William.

"Because only Arceus can permanently stop the war by destroying Drachenberg." Said Ryo.

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorer of MundusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora