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It was nearly midnight when the little girl crawled into her bed, hair still slightly wet from the adventure she just had in the ocean. Her grandmother didn't want the 11 year old to swim alone, but she had snuck out to meet her best friend, the little orca she had named Steve. Sadly, her granny found her after two hours of playing with the whale and took her back in. Her thoughts were interupted as the soothing sound of a lullaby filled the air and drowned her in sleepieness. Shortly after, the girl was out like a light.

An eldery woman watched the little girl sleep peacefully and sighed. Misaki didn't know how much longer she could be there for here grandchild. She knew she wouldn't live long enough to teach her everything she needed. Suddenly, she got an idea.

The next day, Takara found an old-looking book on her desk. "The Academy" was it's title. It was about a school on the other side of the ocean, far far away, were young men and women had the chance to become mages.

From that day on, Takara trained every day to become strong enough to join the Academy. She swam, ran around the island and meditated for hours like her grandmother tought her. Things changed when her grandmother passed away. She was 13 when she simply didn't wake up anymore. She had read enough about medicine to know how to check for any wounds that her mother could have, but after she couldn't find any, she gave up on the last glimmer of hope.         Misaki Akai was dead.

After that she was determined to achieve her goal. She did every thing possible to distract her from the sadness and grief the death of her last relative brought her. Takara fell asleep on books from her library at night and trained until she could feel every muscle and every bone in her body. 

Over the years, she became a beautiful young woman and on her sixteenth birthday, she deciced that she was ready.

339 words

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