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"the third stage's 3 vs 3 "rivalry battle" goes to team red, with 5-2!"

"who do you think, Shonan, Rin?"

"who shall we steal?" 

"doesn't matter. they're all the same." to be honest, shouldn't Rin be angry at me for stealing his goal? is he acting differently around me? maybe he really hates me... "hm... someone useful..." i couldn't really decide anyways, they're all my friends.

Aryu made up his mind since both of his teammates didn't mind (care), "come on... Meguru Bachira." Bachira, huh... not bad.

"you can assist with my glam goals. you shall be my assistant, Meguru Bachira." Aryu twirled his hair, "how long are you idiots gonna chatter. let's get going."

"don't space out, bob-cut. i hold your fate in my hands." Rin sounded like he was some sort of god, but oh, who cares? 

third stage bath

"OH FUCK THIS BATH!" i groaned, me, a girl who just wanted to have a nice dip into the sauna, realised this was a building full of boys. thinking deeply, everyone was already inside the relaxing bath, yet i was sitting here, thinking if i should go to bath or not.

"fuck this.... i'll go.(with a towel)" silently stripping myself, i carefully wrapped myself in the comfy towel, walking in with a messy bun and barefoot. i sneaked into the side of the side of the bath house, but seeing my teammates just made me really wanna say hi to them.

"don't swim... in public baths." 

"awww, what's the problem, Barou? this is fine! look, i'm a ninja. blub blub." maybe i should scare them... 

i quietly dipped myself into the bath, hugging my knees. "and you guys! you made sure to wash off properly before getting in here, right? and your towels are dirty so don't drop them in!" Barou ordered, side eyeing everyone as my eyes went round. 

"hey, it's Shonan..." Nagi blowed bubbles, "hey..." i waved, surely, it was already obvious that my forearm was so slim, i barely had muscles. 

"woh... you look very slim for a male." Kunigami pointed, "duh! look at you!" 

"yeeeeah. Shonan does. anyways, i conditioned my hair, too." Chigiri replied to Barou's order, "hey, Isagi, Shonan, is Barou really this uptight?"

i shrugged as i looked around, "yeah... he's super particular about this stuff..." i saw Barou and Nagi arguing in the distance, but my focus got chopped off when Chigiri spoke up, "so? have you decided on your next opponent yet?" 

i gulped, "no, not yet. Shonan is with Rin, Aryu and Bachira. what about you guys?" Isagi placed his elbow out of the water, "we..."

"we're obviously gonna play you guys. that's the only reason i teamed up with these two." Reo's voice invaded, "Reo! it's been a minute! listen to this Reo, i've been practicing a lot, and-" Nagi held up a hand, but Reo only slapped it away, "stop it."

"you and i... are rivals now, Nagi. you didn't choose me... so i'm gonna crush you." Reo, it sounds just like a breakup!

"so... how 'bout it? don't run away." 

"all right. just what i wanted." 

with me that is in none of the teams, i lifted my hand to cover bits of my face from the light, bored. "wait... Shonan, why do you have a towel? we're all boys here! you don't have to-"

i scratched my nape, "umm... privacy?" i nervously laughed, "maybe it's cuz he's really slim." that was a really good excuse, thanks!

"umm yeah! welp, gotta go or else, ya know, Rin...!" i jumped out of the sauna, releasing a huge sigh of relief.

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