Entry 4: Budo's Elimination

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The next morning, as the curtain's rise in my room I am reminded that I haven't slept a wink too focused on my plans. With zero energy I feel more uncomfortable than usual expressing my normal self. Despite this, I get ready for school hoping I can brush off my "unusual" behaviour with the tiredness excuse. I head downstairs and complete my usual morning routine. Everything seems to be average like everyday with the exception of Mom behaving oddly silent. I could play ignorant but I know it's because of this mysterious family topic she mentioned last night. I don't say anything to Mom though as that's the last thing on my mind. 

Unfortunately as Hanako packs her lunch, she also notices Mom's strangeness. "Mom? Are you alright?"  I hold my breath, praying this doesn't turn into a lengthy conversation. 

"Yes, Hanako Dear I'm just little  tired that's all" Clearly the tiredness excuse is something people use often, whether or not it's a successful response however is another matter. Hanako raises her eyebrow, not fooled by Mom's excuse. I huff discreetly.

"Hanako..." I interrupt. "Mom does look pretty tired, maybe it's best to leave for school so she can rest" I smile, hoping by just lying through my teeth Hanako would drop the subject. Mom looks at me softly, she knows I know but seems grateful that I'm pretending to be non-the-wiser. Hanako looks at Mom and then looks at me.

"Okay then, you rest up Mom!" She cheerfully responds. Relieved I take my bag and say goodbye to Mom and Hanako, finally opening the door to leave. 

I  step out into the front porch to find, a grumpy looking Osana staring at me. 

"You look like death" she dryly remarks. 

"I suppose I do" I chuckle pretending to be amused at myself.  Osana pulls me along on our usual walk to school. She rambles to me about something (probably how she lost her every-so precious cat phone charm) and I respond with half-hearted nods and murmurs. All I can think is how to go about expelling my rival, I must do it soon, before he's likely to confess but it'll look suspicious if I'm the only one expressing concern to the guidance counsellor. 

Then, as if by some miracle Osana says something of use for a change, "Akane Toriyasu reported a student to the guidance counsellor last week for destroying school property, can you believe someone would do something  so stupid and get caught doing it?!" Perfect. All I have to do is frame Budo, let the council see and let the guidance counsellor do the rest. 

The rest of the walk to school and into the halls progresses as usual, Osana leaves with Raibaru and I am left with my thoughts of  my Senpai and rival.  My rival despite being the leader of the martial arts club isn't an aggressive type rather a friendly and approachable person, always smiling. It seems he's got nothing going on, but even the sunniest people have vices. 

As I mentioned before, Raibaru and Budo seem the ideal couple. Even though she expresses no romantic interest; he is the not the same. His passion for martial arts was developed purely to impress her. If he goes that far to be with his crush like a drooling lapdog, whose says he isn't upset by her disinterest in a romantic relationship? Maybe he's stressed, too preoccupied with feelings of rejection. Needing an escape. Maybe he's smoking. 

It seems possible doesn't it? All I need to do is make it seem possible to a school council member (luckily the Vice President Kuroko Kamenaga shares a classroom with my rival). Getting a hold of cigarettes is easier said than done, however I know many of the teachers smoke and the only place they can keep their cigarettes is the Faculty Room. I'll just need to sneak in, sneak out and innocently misplace the cigarettes in Budo's school bag. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31 ⏰

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