Entry 2: My Senpai

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Once we enter school and take off our shoes, Osana goes off with  Raibaru and I am once again happily alone. I walk past the lockers and across the hall when suddenly I bump into a girl. She falls onto the floor and mumbles an apology. Smiling my usual smile I go to help her up and then our eyes meet. Obviously I'd met girls before but she was different, I looked into her eyes and it was like seeing in colour for the first time. My world felt brighter, I felt genuine emotions and new sensations. Is this what love feels like? Have I found something worth living for? Questions spin around in my head as I finish helping  her up and she walks away. 

Hours pass, I can barely focus. I'm in class idly writing something down, dreaming about this girl. "My senpai" That is who she is. I want to know everything about her. Everyone she knows, everything she does, everyone who talks to her. I want to be the only thing she thinks about. I'm willing to do anything for her.

 "Hey! Yamada-San!" A chirpy upbeat voice knocks me out of my daydream. I look over and see Fureddo Jonzu standing beside my desk. 

I smile, trying to keep up my façade even with my mind elsewhere.  "Yes, Jonzu-San?"

"I saw you with the Aishi girl, earlier" I am suddenly filled with interest, He knows my Senpai! 


"Yep, Ayano Aishi"

Ayano Aishi~ the name forever burned into my heart. 

Jonzu continues,  "Her Mother is Ryoba Aishi she used to attend Academi, she's a Murderer. She was never convicted of anything but it all seems very suspicious if you ask me"

 I didn't ask him and his opinion doesn't matter. Ayano Aishi is my Senpai and I love her.  

I shoot Jonzu a look but he doesn't seem to get the hint and keeps rambling, "If I were you Yamada, I'd stay away"

 I felt anger bubble inside me. A dark thought echoed in my mind and I couldn't ignore it, Fureddo Jonzu deserves to die. 

-  -  -  -

Time passed until class ended, I made up my mind that Jonzu didn't deserve to live. The only question was,  how would I kill Jonzu? How could I get away with such a crime? Suddenly as I was deep in thought, the substitute  cooking club president, Shoku Tsuburaya walked passed me. He was carrying a tray of cookies, then seeing me he stops. 

"Yamada-San! Would you like a cookie?" My eyes widen, that's it! I'll poison Jonzu! Everyone knows that Fureddo Jonzu is deathly allergic to nuts. Even eating just a small scoop he'll be dead within seconds. 

"Yes, thank you, Tsu-San!"

 Shoku smiles, he hands me a small brown cookie. 

"What's in these cookies? They smell delicious!" Shoku's eyes sparkle happy to indulge about his interest, he lists all the ingredients and just as I'm about to lose faith in my plan he says, "And crushed peanuts"  

I try  my best to fake concern and not seem suspicious, "But what about Jonzu-San? He's allergic!" 

Shoku softly smiles, "We prepare all the treats containing nuts separately to the rest and we have a list with all the students with food allergies. But thank you for your concern, Yamada-San" 

I softly smile, "No thank you, Tsu-San for this delicious food" I slip the cookie into my back pocket and Shoku too happy-go-lucky for his own good, doesn't notice a thing. 

Now all that's left to do is give the cookie to Jonzu and watch it all unfold. I make my way to the photography club (where Jonzu is regularly sat and chatting with his friends instead of doing an actual club activities). I open the club door and walk through the clubroom. I open the curtains to the inner room where Jonzu is usually sat, as always he's sat with his fellow club members discussing and reading Manga. 

He notices me and smiles,  "Hey Yamada-San welcome to our little getaway!" he laughs to himself like what he'd just said to me was the funniest thing in the world. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and I continue with to my plan.  

"Hey Jonzu-San! Could I borrow you for a second?" Jonzu looks at me confused. 

"But Yamada-San I'm busy at a Photography club meeting, as you can see!" He gestures to the table like his point as any validity as I just heard him talk about something completely irrelevant to photography. 

Just then Dafuni Bureiku (a member of the so-called Photography Club) looks up from her phone, "Jonzu-San, c'mon, you can spare a minute. Yamada-San could be asking to join us, he seems to appreciate photography" 

"Then he can ask now, I don't need to leave-"

"-You know how Yamada-San is! He's probably nervous that's why he wants to speak to you alone!" Jonzu sighs at Bureiku's rebuttal as I think to myself the new-found perks of being known as a "loner" were working in my favour. Jonzu sighs once more and agrees to talk with me outside the clubroom. I subtly smirk and we turn to leave the clubroom. 

Once we are in the hallway I softly smile, "Thank you for sparing my embarrassment and anxiety. The truth is, I love photography and I'm sorry if I seemed on-edge earlier, I bought you a treat as an apology and maybe afterwards I could join the Photography Club with you?" I take the cookie out of my back pocket and hand it to Jonzu. "I hope you like it,  Tsu-San was so happy when he heard I was bringing it to you" 

As Jonzu unwraps his delicious cookie he says to me, "Thank you, I do love the Cooking Club's treats! Tell Tsu-San I'm grateful!" I don't respond other than a soft smile as I wait with baited breath for him to take the first bite. 

Then it happens, He takes a big bite out of the cookie and I watch in glee as he struggles for breathe. Jonzu frantically gestures for help but I simply ignore and guide him further away from any assistance. 

After 7 minutes of waiting, Jonzu goes limp, falling to the ground. Staring at his lifeless motionless body, I feel my sanity slip. I feel the urge to maniacally laugh and after I do so, I feel normal again. Now, I have a question to answer, do I leave Jonzu's body laying in the hallway to be found by an innocent bystander or alert the faculty myself? 

I ponder on this for a few seconds when suddenly the question is answered. A friend of Jonzu's from the photography club discovers his pathetic motionless body and gasps

"Jonzu-San! Jonzu-San!" The friend yells kneeling over his body. Upon closer inspection I find this friend is Beruma Dinkuri, a notoriously smart and messily-dressed student. 

"Yamada-San! Why aren't you calling for help?!" Hearing Dinkuri's remark I change my facial expression to that of shock and worry. 

"I was just about to! He just collapsed!" Before I could speak a second more, Dinkuri rushes away. 

She exclaims before leaving, "I'm going to tell a teacher!" Perfect she doesn't suspect a thing. 

With all my Heart: Yan Sim FanficWhere stories live. Discover now