23. Alone

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Taehyung's pov

landing on seoul was something i really didnt want . your and mine , our memories are here . here i met you and here i lose you . when i decided to leave korea ,granpa ,granma and jinhyung and riya and everyone , my friends and all .they all told me its okay everything willl be fine but no i feel suffocated here .

today i landed in korea and i dont why but here in my heart is a strong yet strange feeling like something is going to happen definitely .

i am feeling this .

my heart is beating millions times faster today .

i just am not able to identify this strong feeling .

as soon as i landed again this media , girls and all . recently i two years i gave my full poential to business just to keep myself busy because if i will sit and just do nothing my mind , heart and fucking everything goes back to you and i want to just leave here and go to you .

i moved forward , guards ahead and behind me protecting me from these fan girls . and as soon as they saw just that's it they ran as soon as they saw me but suddenly a shoulder budged with mine and a girl falls on the ground but the moment i saw here . her side profile was clear ,my mind goes blank . i tried to process what was happening . she hissed and falls on the ground . she stood uo her back facing me . she bows and was about to leave but my hand was quick enough to held her wrist .

i gupled a lump in my throat scared to see , scared to see her face and before i can say something my mouth automatically formed words

"Y/N" i whispered my voice was barely there but i know .

i know she heared .

she turns a look at me , her eyes met mine and my heart it was like it stopped beating. my eyes turned glossy in the urge to cry .

the moment her eyes falls on me , the only thing i wanted was just to hug her , embrace her so tightly and tell .

tell her fucking

she is the most precious thing in this world .i want o hug her ,so tightly kiss her all over her face .

love her and tell how much

fucking how much i muss her

"Y-Y/N" i whispered again , as my grips tightens around her wrist . scared that she might leave me

scared that she will leave me again alone

but there was something different , something strange in her eyes .

i saw her , yeas she was looking in my eyes with her like she know me , she knows who i am but at the same time

she dont knows me .

she observe my hand on her wrist and i looked at my hand holding yours but i didnt leave .


i didnt leave your hand .

i cant , what if you will leave me again .

the cameras flashing , taking our oictures and she blinks trying to adjust with the light .

"Stop the flashes " i ordered loudly ebough for everyone to hear but my eyes remain on her

and she was , she was searching something in my eyes .

she tries to free herself from my hand and my grip losens when i noticed how much tightly i was holding her hand .

i left her hand and she looks at me

THIS LOVE | Kth x Reader | 🔞Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя