22. Mama and Papa

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"AND HOW THE FUCK YOU THINK I WILL.ACEEPT THIS " i yelled throwing the file infront of employee's face . He flinches lowering his head . "S-sorry sir "

" Do you fucking think that we can be on the first position with these useless ideas of yours " i snapped , eyes filled with rage . Hands in fist . I stood up from my seat ready to leave . I stared at the group of people sitting in front of me .

I fucking try my best to keep myself busy , just for a while not think about you .

But this brain of me and this heart of me which is yours just keep on seeing you , thinks about you .

I want to see you . I want to touch you , hug you , kiss you , cry my heart out . I want to tell you how much I missed you .

How much

I blinked straightening my position .

"Re- do all this "I ordered and turned to leave but stopped turning back .

"With the best designs this time " I declared.

"Meeting dismiss " I turned and stepped out of there .

I feel suffocated. Suffocated in between everyone .

When I look at the people working. I see you. My mind flashes back to the moment you said .

'Tae , I want to work ' you working in the company . Infront of me . Right infront of my eyes.

I closed my eyes throwing my head back and rubbing my temples and continues my steps towards my office .

"Good evening Mr. Kim " Two girls bowed . Passing by

"Hmm" I hummed .

I don't really pay attention to anyone .

They all think I am so cold but I just can't express my feelings . I want to keep my self busy .

Twisting the door knob, I entered my office . Removing my coat and placing it on the couch and made my way to my chair . Sitting on it . I leaned back throwing my head back taking a deep breathe .

My eyes closed. The pictured of you and me . We both . That smiling face of yours .

Those deep doe eyes. That holds so much of innocence .

I chuckled remembering the scene when you asked me for a baby . When you said you wanted to be mama but don't how to .

A small smile formed on my lips but it falls as soon it appears .

Baby , our baby .

A tears slips down my cheeks . The images of the other day runs through my mind as another tear slips down .

"We were going to be mama and papa " I whispered more to myself.

"Mama and papa"

My eyes blurry tears falling down my face .


I heared the knock on the door . My blurry eyes turns to look at the closed door .

The door knocked again and I respond ,my voice cracks .

"Come in "

I turned back again to face the front mirror infront if myself .

It's been a freaking 2 weeks since the accident and I searched her everywhere .

Fucking everywhere but .

"Good evening Mr.kim " I blinked hearing the voice of a maid .

"You have a call " she says .

"I don't want to talk with anyone " I replied eyes still on mirror.

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